The Georgia Guidestones were leveled within hours of being blown up. No crime scene preservation or investigation? This would only make sense if the military can't risk the people knowing they are involved at this time or the Cabal did it and are covering their tracks.
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡

Excuse me? Or for liability purposes. If you owned a structure like that and the top shattered and people visit it would you hesitate to bring it down b4 someone was injured,?
Crime scenes don't allow visitors. You would think they would allow a skilled forensic team with experience in demolitions to evaluate prior to completely destroying all evidence. The owner doesn't have a say once the authorities have control of the scene.
When was this labeled a crime scene? Although it is a crime scene documenting the conspiracy to kill millions.
This is exactly what is confusing. Why is it not labeled a crime scene and investigated? What aspect of what happened is legal?
That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.
Crime investigators don't want to be working right up under 20 tons of granite that may collapse. They'd need to demolish the unstable granite structure before any investigators could even safely evaluate the scene.
If the point trying to be made was relevant I'd argue they would secure the sight and keep everyone at a safe distance until the slabs can be properly braced with shoring that is commonly available for large poles, beams, concrete slabs, ect. This type of work is done routinely by Crane Operators. After the stones are secure with minimal disturbance the investigators could safely determine the cause. They can take as long as needed. It is public ground and easily patroled. Sorry not trying to be rude about the relevance but really the point is mute. It can be done safely if they wanted too. The question is why did they not want to and who are they?