Yes, calling it "The Current Thing," which I thought both funny and appropriate. I don't know what The Current Thing is now. The pro-abortion protests seem to have died down. The Current Thing might be shootings.
No, he's David Icke's son. Gareth has been touring with his pops for well over a decade now. He runs the tech side of Icke's presentations. There's no way this kid isn't awake.
Sure people will realize something is fucked up if shit hits the fan hard enough but will they start looking at the actual problem or will they just up the overreaction to fake fear porn to 11?
I went out today to see the new Thor movie (which sucked btw), and then went to the mall afterwards. I saw more masks today than I have all year. It felt like I took a time machine back to summer 2021. I was wondering wtf was happening.
The crazy lefty faggots that didn’t leave their house last year feel brave enough to come out now that they have their fifth booster shot but still afraid to breathe fresh air
If I recall correctly, this site called the switch from fake flu to fake Russian war immediately in the end of February this year.
Yes, calling it "The Current Thing," which I thought both funny and appropriate. I don't know what The Current Thing is now. The pro-abortion protests seem to have died down. The Current Thing might be shootings.
His dad calls it, "Problem, reaction, solution."
Hegelian Dialectics
Does he think it started with corona? That's cute!
No, he's David Icke's son. Gareth has been touring with his pops for well over a decade now. He runs the tech side of Icke's presentations. There's no way this kid isn't awake.
I'm out of the loop here. I didn't really think someonethat made a comment like that would think it was the beginning, so that makes sense.
But it was fun! :)
Putin not renewing the Russian reserve act back in 2017 was ripe for an onslaught of fake news CIA plants ( Navelny) and a war
No normie is going to listen to an Icke. Could one of you guys just tweet it separately so I can try to send my redpill links to that?
Yep right when Trudeau went into hiding because of the truckers, perfect timing to distract everyone and ruin the movement
Gotta wait till gas hits $10 a gallon to wake them up.
Will it though?
Sure people will realize something is fucked up if shit hits the fan hard enough but will they start looking at the actual problem or will they just up the overreaction to fake fear porn to 11?
I went out today to see the new Thor movie (which sucked btw), and then went to the mall afterwards. I saw more masks today than I have all year. It felt like I took a time machine back to summer 2021. I was wondering wtf was happening.
The crazy lefty faggots that didn’t leave their house last year feel brave enough to come out now that they have their fifth booster shot but still afraid to breathe fresh air