She is going to ER with severe headache perhaps due to ear infection...visual changes and needs to be evaluated. Thanks for any intercession on her behalf.
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She was swimming last weekend and growing up we have treated swimmer's ear in the past...VERY PAINFUL. The kids were on swim teams for years. We learned to always use alcohol after swimming to avoid it which is the easiest way to treat it...I actually was thinking that is what it could be. She may need to do that again. Thanks for your thoughts.
Chlorine dioxide works wonders if alcohol or iodine won't work.
Thanks...I have never tried that...will look into it.
It's also called MMS. miracle mineral solution, CDS Chlorine Dioxide Solution, its real name. Jim Humble wrote a book about it, claims it cures Malaria almost instantly, Jim contracted Malaria in South America treated himself, then treated gobs of people in central/south America then went to Africa doing the same. Kerri Riveria has a protocol for treating autistic children, last I spoke to her over 1000 children helped, she has a book and website. And Dr. Andreas Klacker protocols. I urge everyone to read Kerri Reveria's book, it is flat out amazing what she has done for autistic children. Wonderful woman she has a podcast, on brighteon.TV every Thursday for her show 'Champions' - CST 10 am, 8 am PST, 9 am Mountain Time, 4pm EST
CDS/MMS It has two oxygen molecules... Dr Klacker studied the blood, he has a simple protocol to keep the blood saturated with oxygen using CDS. For Cancer Too. GOUT parasites, Shoot I can't even remember all its helped. What happened with Jim was the same thing that happened when people started taking Ivermectin, many beneficial side effects, cured many forms of cancer, removed parasites and on and on...
When you start your search, you're going to get a lot of ITS BLEACH, please read further. I've used it and given gobs away for many different aliments. it's purchased as a two-part water purifier. it's been used in hospitals as a disinfectant for ages. it may have been what President Trump was referring to when accused of telling people to drink bleach during the beginning of COVID19... which it's also good for. Here is the concentrate page from Dr Klacker he has videos as well, he has more than one protocols... also try Forums MMS/CDS forums search, Dive Deep! How to make one of Dr Andreas klacker's concentrate
Thank aware of Kerri Riveria. I know someone that makes this and it seems like it's time to do the research and add it to my bag of tricks! Thanks for the info...I probably have it saved but I have over 300 interesting items saved and sometimes digging and learning something new is a challenge the older you (I) get. Thanks.