Why President Trump is clearly part of an alliance fighting the deep state and how Q is the counter-narrative to the corrupt, propagandist Main Stream Media. I did not write this, it is from the Codez channel and was shared by Darkside Declas. Thank you both for these imperative insights.
@Praytriots @PatriotSocieties
MAJESTIC 12 & The Anti Illuminati & JFK's Mission to Liberate the People
Probably the most commonly repeated question I get is "What if Trump is really Deep State Cabal and Q is a psyop?" So I'm going to do my best to share here what I tell those people. The short answer is this. If this really is one big scam then yes, we are in deep deep trouble. But here's why:
It's not. First of all, at this point, we now know what the plan was. Infiltration, not Invasion. And not to be a smart ass, but it was working. Less than 10 years after 9/11 we elected a Muslim to our highest office. And he charmed the heck out of just about every fast asleep American sheep out there. Personally, I never cared for the guy. I questioned his meteoric rise back in 2006 but did I suspect he was part of some global Deep State bent on world domination? Of course not. Nobody did. But in hindsight, we now can see exactly what they were doing. And there's no doubt Hillary was next in line. See, we are duped year in and year out into thinking we are some great Democratic Government. But we're not. The people who run are chosen to run by people with far more power than we could ever imagine aka The Illuminati / New World Order / Deep State Cabal / Rothschilds & Rockefeller's.
So, under this illusion of choice, we then are programmed to pick our favourite. Every election a "clear-cut" favourite slowly emerges and before we know it, the Fake News is telling us all why that favourite is clearly the best choice for America. It's a game. And a game [They] played well. But then something crazy happened in 2016. The not-so-clear-cut favourite came out of nowhere and upset the order of things. It was Hillary's time and how dare we elect someone else in her place. With Trump in the White House, the previous 8 years had to be basically canned. Now how do we know Hillary was "supposed" to win? Go watch the footage from that night. Go back and find the articles and magazine covers. Shock doesn't begin to describe it. Why else would Obama leave so many judge's seats vacant? For Trump?
Why else would they spy on Trump? That was their perceived "Insurance Policy". But somewhere amongst the shadows and in the back rooms of some Federal Buildings, a new plan was being hatched. A plan that by my estimation had been in the works for at LEAST a decade. A plan to get a Patriot into the office and Take Back Control from the thugs and criminals who had been deceiving us for far too long. Why isn't Trump Deep State? Why isn't Q a LARP? Because logically it makes no sense. IF their plans were working. Which they were. If Hillary was in line to be the next POTUS. She was. And if she was their last step to world domination then why let Trump win? Why let Trump and Q expose the very lies they'd worked so hard to conceal? No master criminal gets two feet from the finish line and then spills their guts about their master plan. This isn't a comic book! Trump isn't Lex Luthor unexpectedly giving patriots one last chance to foil his plan! Not when the stakes are this high. If Trump is DS then why is he working 20-hour days to expose them? To tease us & torture us for his big reveal as the mastermind behind everything? Does that make sense? My point is-Trump winning served no purpose in [Their] plan. They already had a slam dunk, Deep Stater, in KILLARY so why sneak Trump in at the last minute? Based on EVERYTHING you've seen these last four years do you seriously think there is even a 1% chance Trump isn't a good guy? Constant attacks. Phoney witch hunts.Impeachment hoax. THINK
Love your post. The cabal plan WAS working and Trump turned the lights on right in the middle of it. Killary will not get the glory she craves for bringing it all down. The demons are exposed and screaming.
We are starting to see breadcrumbs and remnants of events that indicate operation started around 2014 to get people and things in place for 2016, starting in 2015.
Much of the Hunter Biden dealings look “ramped up” starting around that time, indicating a possible “corrupt and expose” operation with intelligence being shared with both Putin and Xi, allowing them to takedown Russian and CCP Deep State/globalists undercover of “anti-corruption”
Weird stuff with both Hunter Biden and Joe Biden 2014-2015 indicating one or both “replaced” somehow. Watch Obama body language during this time period. He knows it is not the real Joe in his White House monitoring him.
Weird stuff with HRC, especially the whole “side of beef” 9-11-16, cgi’ed HRC rallies, and “that woman” debating Trump in October 2016 that appears NOT to be the real HRC. Also, no challenge to 2016 election by HRC?! If she really won, then challenge...oops, can’t because that would expose their voting machine algorithm and Hammer & Scorecard.
Timing of George and Barbara Bush “hospitalization” in January 2017, right before inauguration.
regarding #2 - I agree and, in fact, i think Joe may have been replaced just before Obama's second term.
Exact timing unknown at this time. I suspect AFTER 2012 election, but you can pinpoint with side-by-side photo analysis.
Look for ear, forehead size, and chin feature differences. I got it down to the late 2012-2015 timeframe (bow out of 2016 primary), but unable to get it more precise. Others may be able to narrow it with additional effort.
Note however multiple people appear to be have “played” Joe Biden. Steve Edwards from Fox LA is likely current Biden. SE departed his job 12-17 likely to prep for this role. A more skilled actor and prep needed for daily POTUS performance, IMO.
I'm still fascinated with all this! There had to have been a plan long in the works and I am very excited to be watching it play out.