Some takeaways from the Kiwi chanfag
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This is OP for Biden iPhone leak. I’ve been reading through all the threads the last 2 days and thought I’d post a few key takeaways from this anon, for those that don’t want to tread over to the chans. Apologies for no link on this post but it’s been posted plenty here the last 2 days.
GA and PDW mentioned several times by name by various anons. Could’ve been one of us but just know we are used for info dissemination. It’s a badge of honor.
Kiwi believes kimdotcom is surrounded by feds and jack maxey is NOT our guy. Was disappointed to learn who is working with who. Wish he would’ve elaborated on this one
Related to #2, those you trust the most are dirty af. Maxey being tied to Bannon makes me wonder. Says the Biden laptop is being used as leverage by many factions among the BH.
Says there is no controlled opposition, assuming he meant on our side, i.e. law enforcement and media
Kiwi anons twitch stream was suspect. Provided proofs of being with Maxey but didn’t disclose much afaik over stream, other than his location is easily traced.
Seems pretty blackpilled by what he’s seen. Believes ww3 a real possibility
Hunter slept around and did drugs with all the small circle of “elites”. They are embarrassed and don’t want the info public
Confirmed Biden’s more corrupt than we believed
That’s what I was able to discern so far from my 3hr visit over there. I think all of it is stuff we’ve speculated I just think it goes deeper than many realize, even those of us who’ve been around a minute. I think shit is definitely heating up and now more than ever we have to be guarded. Everyone is suspect.
Claims there are several sources of info. The laptop imaging is a honeypot and has been wiped of the most damaging info by feds. Being used by BH and comped patriots alike. The iPad was used by his niece Natalie and then used by Hunter. The iPhone is where the real bad shit is that directly implicates Joe and others. The other devices pw have been cracked, not sure if the phone has been yet.
He has a contact saved as Pedo Pete. Could be his BIL or could refer to Joe’s alias of Peter Henderson
This ^^ and …phone is not 450GB (where have we heard that before !) it’s 28G iPhone backup
It seems like everyone has blackmail material on everyone in Washington. Remember Weiner and Huma's insurance file on Hillary.
That is how it works that is how they keep control
Exactly I think it’s been this way for quite some time. Seems like it’s coming to a head now. It’s interesting that none of this stuff gets leaked, at least until recently. And I think that took WH intervention
Regarding the last post in the screenshot, I remember some having the theory that the white hats flipped Hunter and he's cooperating with them.
Absolutely, there’s no way this info with the ability to bring down governments was entrusted with a degenerate crackhead. He would’ve been taken care of long ago. I bet this is a hot potato and deals are being made. Everyone is implicated - DC, the cabal, FIB. EVERYONE.