The quietest firearm I have EVER "not-heard" was at a shooting range a couple of years ago. A fellow on a bench to my right was shooting a Savage .22 cal rifle with a screwed-on suppressor. I could see him pull the trigger and I could hear the drop of the hammer like a faint "click" but didn't hear anything else. Turns out he was using subsonic .22 rounds in a suppressed rifle and driving tacks at 50 yards. Very impressive. Apparently rabbits and small game fear him.
Subsonic 22 sounds like a bb gun. It isn't as quiet as the infamous Carlisle carbine from WWII, that one you could only hear the firing pin striking the primer (from accounts)0. It was "affectionately" known as the Hush Puppy because it was used to neutralize sentry dogs.
The quietest firearm I have EVER "not-heard" was at a shooting range a couple of years ago. A fellow on a bench to my right was shooting a Savage .22 cal rifle with a screwed-on suppressor. I could see him pull the trigger and I could hear the drop of the hammer like a faint "click" but didn't hear anything else. Turns out he was using subsonic .22 rounds in a suppressed rifle and driving tacks at 50 yards. Very impressive. Apparently rabbits and small game fear him.
Subsonic 22 sounds like a bb gun. It isn't as quiet as the infamous Carlisle carbine from WWII, that one you could only hear the firing pin striking the primer (from accounts)0. It was "affectionately" known as the Hush Puppy because it was used to neutralize sentry dogs.