I'm struggling here, are these the same cops that enforced the lockdowns, supported the muzzle mandate, violated the rights of Christians to congregate, destroyed businesses thru compliance to their overlords and Masters.
Where was this conviction to constitutional values then?
Not every cop enforced the rules. They didn't stand against them but they didn't enforce. 50 percent refusi g the Vax is astounding to me. I never expected that number. This is good
Screw them. I live in suburbs during the BLM riots two of these evil people attacked an eldey couple enjoying dinner on an outside courtyard. The damn Pittsburgh cops stood there and watched.
I feel for her but a LOT and I mean a LOT of police had no problems with violating the Constitution and people's civil rights when it came to enforcing illegal edicts handed down by Governors like Wolf in PA and Mayors Like Kenny in Philadelphia. Is that saying all cops are bad? Of course not but a lot of them seemed to enjoy violating peoples rights and for that I'm going to hard pass on her plight in Pittsburgh. Maybe these cops will wake up and stop following illegal edicts and stand with the people and it sucks for those cops that would not enforce that shit and stood on the side of the Constitution who are getting lumped into this but you chose that profession and one bad act reflects on all cops.
I'm struggling here, are these the same cops that enforced the lockdowns, supported the muzzle mandate, violated the rights of Christians to congregate, destroyed businesses thru compliance to their overlords and Masters.
Where was this conviction to constitutional values then?
Yes and I live in the suburbs.
Get a gun, stand your ground.
A armed society is a polite society.
SCOTUS ruled "no constitutional duty to protect".
Outsourcing your families safety may prove to be a disastrous decision with deadly results.
I dare say, 75% of civil servants are enemies of the state, 20% are punching a time card for a pension, and maybe 5% are there to serve
Not every cop enforced the rules. They didn't stand against them but they didn't enforce. 50 percent refusi g the Vax is astounding to me. I never expected that number. This is good
Their link
Screw them. I live in suburbs during the BLM riots two of these evil people attacked an eldey couple enjoying dinner on an outside courtyard. The damn Pittsburgh cops stood there and watched.
Karma baby.
I feel for her but a LOT and I mean a LOT of police had no problems with violating the Constitution and people's civil rights when it came to enforcing illegal edicts handed down by Governors like Wolf in PA and Mayors Like Kenny in Philadelphia. Is that saying all cops are bad? Of course not but a lot of them seemed to enjoy violating peoples rights and for that I'm going to hard pass on her plight in Pittsburgh. Maybe these cops will wake up and stop following illegal edicts and stand with the people and it sucks for those cops that would not enforce that shit and stood on the side of the Constitution who are getting lumped into this but you chose that profession and one bad act reflects on all cops.
If inaction is a active choice, and they choose to stand idly by, are they truly good men?
Pittsburgers keep voting Dems in so what do you expect?
What were nice family-friendly neighborhoods have turned into ghettos with shootings every week.
You get what you vote for.
back the blue
fuk the police