I saw them pretend that suddenly they could send and receive answers instantly live from the vessel that was too far away for that to be possible.
My big NASA fan friends got really mad at me for asking about that. Like, didn't they say that it takes a lot of hours for a message to travel one way? How can they be doing this live?
So I don't think the telescope cost nearly as much as they claim, they get digital information from the sky and can touch it up as much as they want, the real money went elsewhere.
I saw little bubbles on a stream of a spacewalk.
I saw them pretend that suddenly they could send and receive answers instantly live from the vessel that was too far away for that to be possible.
My big NASA fan friends got really mad at me for asking about that. Like, didn't they say that it takes a lot of hours for a message to travel one way? How can they be doing this live?
So I don't think the telescope cost nearly as much as they claim, they get digital information from the sky and can touch it up as much as they want, the real money went elsewhere.