A civil dissolution need not come from a shooting war. Give the people - We The People - down to the county level, the ability to vote for succession or allegiance to the existing regime. County focus as opposed to congressional districts removes gerrymandering (from both sides) and allows a more honest reflection of the popular will. This constitutes a re-validation of consent of the governed. Allow the remaining islands/city states to establish their own confederation (I am presupposing the outcome) and the rest to re-establish a constitutional republic. IMHO, we should invite western Canada (WEXIT territory) to join the remover/republicans (please note small "r") under the same voting procedures if they vote to do so
Consider what a US civil war would look like today. One one side you have the woketarded who don't understand anything at all, and on the other side, you have people armed to the teeth, who have read the rulebook. The "right" is not interested in this civil war, which they know they'll win, but the "left" is too angry and stupid to know not to fuck around and find out. Their tremendous butthurt is clouding their judgement.
They think their determination alone will get them what they want. Ironically they use the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" mentality on every protest and social issue but turn around and ridicule it in the context of physical labor and mental health.
The left in the United States is nothing more than a set of illusions. One illusion is the vocal, irrational protesters we see. Their numbers are small in reality, but they make a lot of noise. Another illusion is created by the paramilitary groups like Antifa and BLM, again not large in numbers, but loud and violent.
The biggest illusion is that by the politicians who pretend to be on the left. They are not. They are much more akin to fascists. They crave power and want to merge government and corporations to attain and keep it.
But the vast majority of Americans are conservative minded. It isn’t even close, that is another reason it was necessary for the DS to steal the 2020 election. They couldn’t afford to let us see that President Trump won both the Electoral College and the Popular Vote.
If the world sees how vastly conservative this country is, there would be zero hope to stoke a civil war. The leftist voters would know it was hopeless.
The people who are writing about the potential for a civil war must not believe the 2020 election was stolen. They must buy into the DS narrative we live in a divided country. If they believe that, their opinions are worth hearing.
A civil dissolution need not come from a shooting war. Give the people - We The People - down to the county level, the ability to vote for succession or allegiance to the existing regime. County focus as opposed to congressional districts removes gerrymandering (from both sides) and allows a more honest reflection of the popular will. This constitutes a re-validation of consent of the governed. Allow the remaining islands/city states to establish their own confederation (I am presupposing the outcome) and the rest to re-establish a constitutional republic. IMHO, we should invite western Canada (WEXIT territory) to join the remover/republicans (please note small "r") under the same voting procedures if they vote to do so
We have millions of actual armed combat veterans on our side,they have whiny commie fags.
No war to speak of.
Consider what a US civil war would look like today. One one side you have the woketarded who don't understand anything at all, and on the other side, you have people armed to the teeth, who have read the rulebook. The "right" is not interested in this civil war, which they know they'll win, but the "left" is too angry and stupid to know not to fuck around and find out. Their tremendous butthurt is clouding their judgement.
They think their determination alone will get them what they want. Ironically they use the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" mentality on every protest and social issue but turn around and ridicule it in the context of physical labor and mental health.
The left in the United States is nothing more than a set of illusions. One illusion is the vocal, irrational protesters we see. Their numbers are small in reality, but they make a lot of noise. Another illusion is created by the paramilitary groups like Antifa and BLM, again not large in numbers, but loud and violent.
The biggest illusion is that by the politicians who pretend to be on the left. They are not. They are much more akin to fascists. They crave power and want to merge government and corporations to attain and keep it.
But the vast majority of Americans are conservative minded. It isn’t even close, that is another reason it was necessary for the DS to steal the 2020 election. They couldn’t afford to let us see that President Trump won both the Electoral College and the Popular Vote.
If the world sees how vastly conservative this country is, there would be zero hope to stoke a civil war. The leftist voters would know it was hopeless.
The people who are writing about the potential for a civil war must not believe the 2020 election was stolen. They must buy into the DS narrative we live in a divided country. If they believe that, their opinions are worth hearing.