LOL at the people who think #greggphillips and #truethevote are inviting 50-100 top "citizen journalists" (including many 'anons') to an event called "The Pit" to see their evidence... but believe they are gonna RUG PULL and show us nothing, then expect us to be silent.
Do you even think when you spew such nonsense? We are the worst crowd IN THE WORLD to invite to such an event unless the EVIDENCE IS REAL.
#2000Mules is very real, and it's making waves, and scaring all the right people. Truth hammer
Yeah, I thought I saw this show already, but it starred the Pillow Guy.
Spot on. If he has anything JUST DROP IT. American families suffer the longer he waits.
<ahem> ...... WAR.
Aside from all the vaccines deaths I think the precipice is the suffering part.
Imagine post cabal world where all our representatives are actually representing us instead of just the president. They could solve some problems.