[Repost] It's time to talk about the newest Q posts, 8kun shut down, and what appears to be attempts to silence Q from communicating with us (see comments)
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We are talking about it because of the two 0 delta posts.
The deltas can't be trusted if they are deltas involving 8kun. That site is compromised all over the place. Even people in hivemind (which you seem to think is where Q went) have called out that root can change things and that the times aren't necessarily correct.
The deltas were supposed to be irrefutable. Even that hasn't happened - the "deltas" appear to be non-related.
No matter - I'm not going to change what you believe and you won't change what I believe. Just understand - there's a reason why the Q post sites aren't cataloging the new "Q drops" from hivemind.
When (if) Q is ready to come back the team will have a lot to do to fix the mess that Jim, Babyfist, and hivemind have done, and they will certainly reestablish comms in a way nobody will be able to argue about. A delta between TS and 8kun is not that way and relies on a comped board with an untrustable owner, with software written by his son that allows them to impersonate any tripcode with ease. The code was posted showing how to use that feature (requires admin access).
This right here is what I was talking about it's why I don't believe zero delta Q. I'm regretting that I didn't learn how trip codes and deltas worked sooner I was content with reading the research here.
But I'm catching up in a hurry. Thank you so much. Although I do think that the posts up to the 29th are possibly legit although idk if they're for us I was on the WordPress symbolism site and he goes into Yahoo being named oath and some other things I haven't had time to read all the way through.
Idk if this link will take you directly to the q post but there is a link on the page that will so you don't have to scroll down.