[Repost] It's time to talk about the newest Q posts, 8kun shut down, and what appears to be attempts to silence Q from communicating with us (see comments)

We are first and foremost a Q research board, so we need to be discussing this.
I don’t claim to know all the details here so if anyone has more knowledge than me please speak up. Heres what I understand.
Q started posting under a new tripcode on the Q research board on 8kun and then the posts were deleted by one of the admins. Q then moved to the hivemind board on 8kun and said that Q research was compromised and that he would never post there again. Q verified his identity using two 0 delta posts with trumps truth social account (statistical anomaly). He said that his current and previous trip codes should all be considered compromised. He said that future comms will be verified by Trump and Trump only.
These occurrences happened on July 6-7. To my knowledge Q has not posted since then.
None of these Q posts were added to any aggregators because Q was using new tripcodes.
Now 8kun is completely down. Not sure if this is planned downtime or something more.
Beyond all of this, these new Q posts are not advocating for anything that we all would not agree on, mainly that there is fuckery afoot and that only posts directly verified by Trump/POTUS can be trusted.
TLDR: new Q posts are being deleted and censored. Future posts will be verified by Trump. 8kun is down so Q may move to a different platform if it remains down.
How do we know Jim Watkins and fredo and others did not attempt to fake post as 'Q'? The first posts I mean, when Jim came out and tried to claim he was in California and so could not get to his controls to rotate the SALT?
And can 'someone' explain to my old azz what exactly the 'SALT' is? I get that it's programming, but the computers I learned on were revolving drum magnetic head things we fed tape and punch cards to, read a lot of ones and zeros. Anyhow- when the 'salt' rotated 'Q's trip would have changed too, would it not?
Not sure any of that really matters tho. We didn't expect 'Q' to return to posting, we shouldn't need 'Q' in that capacity now. I'd love to have it but look back at the constant turmoil 'Q' posts caused, the Hate they caused the Enemy to throw at us; that part I don't miss.
But we should be Good to Go now, none of us understands all of it, each of us understands parts and we move more on Faith anyhow. A Great Awakening, a Spiritual Awakening and we see it habbening. Our 'job' isn't, to my understanding', to do the heavy lifting rather we are support, the logistics tail. Who fills the rotten school bopard seats? We do. Who acts as poll watchers? We do. Who protects OUR kids from the Enemy? We do.
We are supposed to help 'normies' stay sane as we go through this most unique Timeline, mainly, while simply being Good Citizens the whole time.
We know enough, each of us, to do our jobs now, 'Q' posts or no 'Q' posts. We know enough Collectively to hold the line all across America, or almost, and the world will follow.
This outage was mentioned I think, we were told to expect comms to go away, to expect to operate on our own, as we have been for a while now. Was it the DoD server I wonder? Like Watkins said - good time to go read a book, he suggested one about feeding clowns and queers as I recall.
Lastly - no outside comms. POTUS is the only channel which would not be 'outside comms'. So this makes sense, but details along the way are confoundingly confusing...
WWG1WGA! And we don't have to lean on 'Q' posts, 'Q' prepared us for This Timeline.
Pray for Humanity, as we know not everyone survives this.
In cryptography SALT is used to make passwords more complex before they are run through a hash algorithm. Password salting is a technique to protect passwords stored in databases by adding a string of 32 or more characters and then hashing them. Salting prevents hackers who breach an enterprise environment from reverse-engineering passwords and stealing them from the database.
I don't claim to understand all of the techniques Q has used to create unique posts, but this might be what they were referring to?
Thanks, that makes sense and I wondered if it was truly 'that' simple, insert 'padding' to confuse/hide/add security to coding.
Fun fact - at the Battle of Leyte Gulf in WWII the Japanese were trying to lure Halsey's carriers away from the beach landings so their heavy units could dash in and blast the landing beaches with big guns. During the various stages of the battle Halsey had mentioned designating a battleship task force to stay behind if he left chasing enemy carriers, so they could defend the beaches and the support Fleet.
Except he didn't, he thought the Japanese Fleet had been driven off so he took the battleships with him and left the beaches uncovered. As it was realized the Japanese had turned around and were now mere hours away from the beaches Nimitz radioed him, asking where that task force was. Except they padded the message, they always did, to confuse Japanese codebreakers- the padding included the phrase 'the world wonders' after the demand to know WHERE that battleship task force was located. That padding caused Halsey to think he had just been reprimanded by CINCPAC, but no it was just padding.
Fooled our own people too...
Some of this fools me the same sort of way.
Thanks, I should really learn to code I guess, why let the true Anons have all the Fun?
Thanks for that Fun Fact! I work in Cybersecurity as an Incident response analyst. I have enough coding knowledge to make me dangerous but I leave the real development up to the pros!
Yeah the salting prevents someone from just looking up values in a rainbow table (Large table of precomputed hashes without any salting)