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Loved Dune the book. Have you read Ender's Game? That series will take your mind off the scene for a while. Also recommend Louis L'Amour for healthy comfort-food reading.
u/Feelsgoodman u/2ndenthusiast
If you guys loved Ender's Game, I highly recommend its little known sequel: Speaker for the Dead. Its nothing like the Enders game but is probably one of the best books I have read.
Ooo Thank you. I've added it to my list!👌
I did, I never wanted to love a book so much that I just couldn't track. Enders game was one of my favorites, I really tried.
Ender's was so damn good... It's been more than a decade, I need to read it again🐸
Love enders game, both of them. Card actually said he thought the movie improved on the story. Drake's Leary series is my go to for quality distraction.