Trump Returning to DC?! Captured Territory, Arrest?
This I don’t think is a smart idea from Trump’s Team at all unless they’re attempting a “controlled” arrest of him, or some sort of riot or False Flag. We all know DC is a full Cabal Controlled territory according to the Law of War Manual 11.3. So this upsets and confuses me to why Trump would even allow this, besides just being a badass. So check out the included sauce Anons and give your thoughts.
He has stayed alive this whole time, which is pretty amazing. If Deep State could have taken him down, they would have.
And we know this wasn’t the only attempt at Trump…just a poorly executed one
His Secret Service Executive Protection Detail is probably only the middle perimeter, I'm sure he has extremely competent and dedicated security near him and on the outer perimeter/over watch.
This. Wouldn’t be surprised if suddenly we discreetly see a ton of US Marshals and high ranking military personnel show up when Trump rolls into town… And that’s just the outer layer.
any idea how this corresponds to the Law of War? my smooth-brain can't wrap itself around these Devolution concepts.....