Trump Returning to DC?! Captured Territory, Arrest?
This I don’t think is a smart idea from Trump’s Team at all unless they’re attempting a “controlled” arrest of him, or some sort of riot or False Flag. We all know DC is a full Cabal Controlled territory according to the Law of War Manual 11.3. So this upsets and confuses me to why Trump would even allow this, besides just being a badass. So check out the included sauce Anons and give your thoughts.
I am hoping with #1 and #2 gone, he will walk into the White House and declare "game over".
He'll kick Jill out and make her run the taco vending machine on the corner.
I don't think that is likely, but there is always something good in greatly agitating the political psychotics currently in power. They might have a mental breakdown or something!