Appeals Court Orders Sealed Testimony in Roman Polanski Rape Case Opened
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Read also the book Chaos. And that's a far lefty author. But it is pretty clear that Manson was an MKUltra LSD experiment at the very least. Probably something worse.
My view is that he was a part of the LSD distribution strategy of the MKUltra folks. He shows up in LA and in Topanga, both of which had military presence in the LSD game(s).
EDIT: Sorry sorry. I wrote "LA and Topanga" here. And if you consider those separate, that's technically accurate. But what I meant was "SF and Topanga". SF had an LSD distribution "storefront" and Charlie was there all the time. Equally, the Air Force Base up in Topanga is all-sorts-of-weird and involved in LSD stuff (including Jim Morrison, etc.) and again, Charlie was there all the time (in Topanga).
Smells fishy.