Much that once was, is lost; For none now live who remember it. -J.R.R. Tolkien
Introducing, the other "Q Year"; 1100 Years of Historical Events on the 89's (Adds to '17'). Epic clashes of good vs evil start every 100 years on the 89's with obvious "Freedom Coalition" temporal markers on the 17's.
The Cabal Playbook: Operating cycles/timelines and "Target Dates"
There appear to be 2 operating cycles being used by the cabal. One 25/25/25/25 cycle for worldwide events since at least 889AD, and then a 16/4/16 cycle that appears to be used in the United States since 1889AD (possibly came about due to the 4 year election cycle). This second cycle can be seen with the '1984' book published in 1949 with the +36 years providing a "target date" 0f 1985 (16/4/16) for completion of the plan activated in 1949. The first cycle of 100 years is on '89, '14, '39, '64; For example 1889 (Russian pandemic), 1914 (WW1), 1939 (WW2), 1964 (first attempt for WW3).
The 1985 target date is 4 years before the "big date" of 1989, indicating a four year "interlude" or "setup" between the start of the next 16 year plan that started in 1989. This is why GHWB Sr. took control of the US on July 14, 1985 ( He needed to get things in place for 1989 "go time", and they were behind schedule because of Reagan. These four year interludes appear to used to "get people in place" or "eliminate those in the way". Note that forward from 1949 are 1965 and 1969 and then 1985 target dates. Each of these years had clusters of historic events on or just before the "target date" in support of cabal plans/activities.
TDLR: Going backwards from 1949 is 1945 (end of WW2), 1929 (stock market crash), 1925 (FedRes moves to setup 1929), 1909 (setup of FedRes legislation), 1905 (Central Bank initiation/Russian Revolution setup), 1889 (fake "pandemic" in Russia to weaken it). From 1989 (start of destruction of America by commie infiltration from SU, then CCP), minus 100 years is 1889 (start of destruction of Russia via commie infiltration/takeover), mins 100 years is 1789 (start of destruction of French Republic via French Revolution), minus 100 years is 1689 (start of destruction of the Dutch Republic by British infiltration, possibly started 1589), etc. (see below).
The "Freedom Coalition" since the end of the Roman Republic appears to have moved to Serbia until attacked by Ottoman Empire, and then split to Dutch Republic/Russia after the fall of the Holy Roman Empire, and then split again to France/America (with Russia still active) after the fall of the Dutch Republic, and then resided in America and Russia after the fall of the French Republic (note France and Russia helped America defeat the British), and then resided mainly in the American Republic after the fall of Russia.
This "Freedom Coalition" is represented by the colors red, white, and blue in the flag, and a double-headed eagle inherited from the Roman Republic (see Russian flag or HRE crest). Serbia, Dutch Republic, Russia, French Republic, and the American Republic all have red, white, and blue flags. The lineage of Russian Empire from Serbia/HRE (red/blue/white) and America from France from Dutch Republic (red/white/blue) is visible in the flags. These are the "Freedom Coalition" countries and "Guardians of Christianity" role inherited from the Roman Republic. Each was successively taken over and destroyed by the cabal. Some like Serbia and Russia have been restored, while America still fights for survival.
Obvious positive temporal markers in 2017 (Trump inauguration), 1917 (early termination of WW1), 1817 (Spain removes cabal from Sardinia), 1717 (Serbia freed from cabal), 1617 (Medici family removed from control of France), 1517 (Martin Luther breaks the cabal-controlled Catholic Church), etc.
I am assembling 11x, digestable blocks of historical data to support this information and will add links and repost this when complete. I want to put this out there now for other "historical anons" to aid in their research.
- America-CAPTURED by nazis/CCP/globalists, fighting for survival, retains Constitution, Army of Digital Frogs
- France-CAPTURED by EU/globalists, civil war is brewing; possibly working with US/Nordic Patriots; Parliament now in CONTROL
- Netherlands-CAPTURED by EU/globalists; possibly working with US/Nordic Patriots; Old Family bloodline Farmers pushing back and cracking skulls
- Serbia-SEMI-FREE, applied to EU (as exposure op?), working with Russia, China
- Russia-see below (note that is now organized in Federation-type structure)
- Brazil-CIVIL WAR pending...globalists/Lula attacking, watch Oct election
- Russia-FREE, Putin being attacked by Russian/US Deep State (via Ukraine/NATO); Central Bank gone as of 5-9-22
- India-SEMI-FREE, being attacked by Indian/US Deep State (via Pakistan)
- China-CIVIL WAR active between globalists and nationalist; Being attacked by globalists/US Deep State (via Taiwan)
It appears that the remnants of British Empire (Commonwealths all being completely freed from the UK Royals tyranny (example is Barbados that became a fully independent Republic in 2021); this was attempted and failed in the 1980s; UK was supporting both Soviet Union and Israel via MI-6)
Revelation 17 and 18 must also be taken into consideration. I honestly believe that the mystery Babylon of those chapters is London and the UK. It is much cheaper for another nation such as Russia to take out the UK than the United States. Russia, China, and North Korea would exhaust their nuclear missiles very quickly due to the major land mass that is the USA.
No that was Jerusalem which was destroyed in 70AD by Roman armies. Revelation was about that event and the parallels are quite clear if you think like a Jew during that time and look at it along side of history.
Rome had 7 hills with 7 governors + 7 headed, 7 horned beast
Rome's armies surrounded the city = Abomination of desolation surrounding the holiest of holies FLEE to the mountains (And they surrounded the city... then left... Christians fled as instructed, Rome came back days later and killed everyone and destroyed the temple)
Lots of things like this.
Jesus said "This generation shall not pass till all these things take place" that generation has long since past.
Here's a PDF of a great book that goes in depth on it and historical events
Has Jesus returned?
in judgment on Jerusalem in 70 AD on the clouds IN THAT GENERATION just like He said He would.
He will return in final judgment at some point. That's it. It's a wrap. Game over.
"Of the INCREASE of His kingdom there will be no end"
"Sit at My right hand while I make all of Your enemies Your footstool" - God the father to Jesus.
MAYBE read the FREE version of the book that extrapolates all of this that I provided.