That has been discussed for a very long time in church circles....and just to give you another thing to think about. ..did you know Pope Benedict scientific advisor to pope Benedict says there is no conflict between believing in God and in the possibility of aliens brothers perhapscmore evolved than us? Pope Francis says he would baptise aliens
You should also know ratzinger aka pope Benedict was taken to court because he covered up crimes of Catholic priests in order to discredit the Raelians who talk of an alien race coming to earth from another planet who created all forms of life ..referenced in many cultures.
Life can be stranger than fiction can't it?
We are told we live on a round ball but NASA only ever shows Photoshop images. I couldn't speculate either way ....
I am using logic. And Q said crimes against children unite all humanity.....difficult truths 4908
4915 A deep dark world is being exposed...
There is a great deal of evidence to prove massive cover ups are being attempted by religions ...among other things pedophilia and child trafficking.
Have you thought....if the Bible etc is not about god...but indeed is the history of an invasion by advanced beings from another planet who used their DNA and cloning techniques to make us in their image so they didn't have to mine the gold they needed for their planets atmosphere...what happens to all the religions? And all the billions they bring in?
We know the Vatican is aware and the rabbis say they have known about cloning for over 4000 years. That's a quote if you want details I can let you have them.
there are plenty of far out conspiracy sites for you to talk about stuff that has no basis in existing facts. This site is for Qspiracy.
The interesting thing about Qspiracy is that we're looking at the published media since Q couldn't divulge info due to national security. Q is saying, you don't need access to deep intel - just read the media with an open and searching eye and you'll find their inconsistencies and cover-ups and this will often reveal the real narrative. That's the thing that unites us on this site.
The Bible, as Q refers to it, is about the Bible as everyone knows it, not as deep conspiracy heads know it. Aliens, DNA, etc. are all wonderful if you like flights of fancy with no basis in existing knowledge and theories. And yes, I've seen it all although it was hard going as it lacks any consistency and logic (Sitchin, Von Daniken etc. etc.) There's enough in the current verifiable theories of the Bible as it is to keep one researching and digging.
That has been discussed for a very long time in church circles....and just to give you another thing to think about. ..did you know Pope Benedict scientific advisor to pope Benedict says there is no conflict between believing in God and in the possibility of aliens brothers perhapscmore evolved than us? Pope Francis says he would baptise aliens
You should also know ratzinger aka pope Benedict was taken to court because he covered up crimes of Catholic priests in order to discredit the Raelians who talk of an alien race coming to earth from another planet who created all forms of life ..referenced in many cultures.
Life can be stranger than fiction can't it?
We are told we live on a round ball but NASA only ever shows Photoshop images. I couldn't speculate either way ....
It's off topic for this forum, and offensive to many. This isn't random religious conspiracy theories, it's GA.
I am sorry that you found facts offensive..and I am very careful to show only facts that are true..not conspiracy theories....
Ashland unleashed is a forum where all topics are open for discussion.
I do remember this is the Great Awakening.....I am an avid follower of Q
Oct.21 2020 4915. A deep dark world is being exposed.
The truth won't be for everyone
Have faith in humanity
‘I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,’
François-Marie Arouet ( Voltaire )
Thank you.
oh god. You got the wrong site bro. This is a Q site. Use Logic, Q says. Not random Alex Jones bullshit. We're here for Q theories.
I am using logic. And Q said crimes against children unite all humanity.....difficult truths 4908
4915 A deep dark world is being exposed...
There is a great deal of evidence to prove massive cover ups are being attempted by religions ...among other things pedophilia and child trafficking.
Have you thought....if the Bible etc is not about god...but indeed is the history of an invasion by advanced beings from another planet who used their DNA and cloning techniques to make us in their image so they didn't have to mine the gold they needed for their planets atmosphere...what happens to all the religions? And all the billions they bring in?
We know the Vatican is aware and the rabbis say they have known about cloning for over 4000 years. That's a quote if you want details I can let you have them.
there are plenty of far out conspiracy sites for you to talk about stuff that has no basis in existing facts. This site is for Qspiracy.
The interesting thing about Qspiracy is that we're looking at the published media since Q couldn't divulge info due to national security. Q is saying, you don't need access to deep intel - just read the media with an open and searching eye and you'll find their inconsistencies and cover-ups and this will often reveal the real narrative. That's the thing that unites us on this site.
The Bible, as Q refers to it, is about the Bible as everyone knows it, not as deep conspiracy heads know it. Aliens, DNA, etc. are all wonderful if you like flights of fancy with no basis in existing knowledge and theories. And yes, I've seen it all although it was hard going as it lacks any consistency and logic (Sitchin, Von Daniken etc. etc.) There's enough in the current verifiable theories of the Bible as it is to keep one researching and digging.
That's your research the Bible and see clearly the mistakes in it etc you need an old Hebrew Bible and the translation.