NASA does fake but they aren't who told us what shape the earth is. There are great scientist from the 1800's who would have had a lot to say if they considered for a moment that earth was flat. Tesla, Einstein, Faraday, Newton, and so many others. Tesla's theories & inventions only work with a spherical earth. This whole dumbshit flat earth mind virus festering on this website is only happening recently because of disinfo agents making youtube videos.
you wanna believe in the firmament that's fine, whatever. I don't, but I can at least see why someone might want to hold those beliefs. IF you believing that we live on a flat plane, that has an edge that can be reached, and stepped off than you are a fucking retard.
If we are on a flat plane, whats on the underside? Is it just some pointy rocks and stuff. I can't even believe I just asked that, what a fucking dumb shit. I'm seriously done with GAW if we retards like this on here.
You should really dig into all those freemasons you just named off. If you look at all of Einsteins speech videos he's reading off cards just like biden and his teleprompter. Too many coincidences. When someone just tells you something only works on a sphere earth do you just accept that without proof? Do you surrender your ability to use your brain to people in white coats?
Well I actually fucking hate Einstein. Einstein has infected the world with a mind virus and a false model of physics that will leave the entirety of humanity lost forever. Regardless of that fact that Einstein was a shitbird. Nikola Tesla was not. I have studied his works extensively, and there is no way that Tesla believed the earth was flat. Neither did Charles Proteus Steinmetz one of the smartest people to ever exist.
Anyone who believes the earth is flat, is obviously the one with the thinking problem. Stop trolling me.
NASA does fake but they aren't who told us what shape the earth is. There are great scientist from the 1800's who would have had a lot to say if they considered for a moment that earth was flat. Tesla, Einstein, Faraday, Newton, and so many others. Tesla's theories & inventions only work with a spherical earth. This whole dumbshit flat earth mind virus festering on this website is only happening recently because of disinfo agents making youtube videos.
Anything that works on a globe works the same under a dome.
That is the sphere producing the phenomena you speak of.
you wanna believe in the firmament that's fine, whatever. I don't, but I can at least see why someone might want to hold those beliefs. IF you believing that we live on a flat plane, that has an edge that can be reached, and stepped off than you are a fucking retard.
If we are on a flat plane, whats on the underside? Is it just some pointy rocks and stuff. I can't even believe I just asked that, what a fucking dumb shit. I'm seriously done with GAW if we retards like this on here.
You should really dig into all those freemasons you just named off. If you look at all of Einsteins speech videos he's reading off cards just like biden and his teleprompter. Too many coincidences. When someone just tells you something only works on a sphere earth do you just accept that without proof? Do you surrender your ability to use your brain to people in white coats?
Well I actually fucking hate Einstein. Einstein has infected the world with a mind virus and a false model of physics that will leave the entirety of humanity lost forever. Regardless of that fact that Einstein was a shitbird. Nikola Tesla was not. I have studied his works extensively, and there is no way that Tesla believed the earth was flat. Neither did Charles Proteus Steinmetz one of the smartest people to ever exist.
Anyone who believes the earth is flat, is obviously the one with the thinking problem. Stop trolling me.