Every time shills and doomers (whether real or fake) show up in large numbers on here, Truth Social, and other platforms, I tend to take it as a good sign. Ever since I joined the movement, I've noticed the pattern. When things aren't going in favor of the cabal, the shills show up, and the doomers start dooming.
And every time they come out of their holes or start having another black pill crisis (in case of real dooming) all this does is signal to me that we're winning, and they're having to resort to petty tactics to try and demoralize us since they have no other means of attacking us psychologically left.
Long story short, we're winning, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And keep up the good work.
Part of the reason they proliferate, I think, is because it requires a bit of "digging" to identify them, i.e., how old the account is, etc. Perhaps it would discourage them if some sort of identifier were added next to the usernames of older accounts, so one could ascertain more easily if a post is worthwhile or not. I've seen other forums do variations of this...different colored stars, etc.