LOL, kind of true- I'm 64 and when I was a child, my brothers would take off and we'd see them right before dark. As the only girl, I'd sometimes stay out and play but I really preferred reading.
Also, I did avoid a kidnapping attempt. When I was 7 yo, I was riding my bicycle and a man pulled over. He asked me to get into his car to help him find his puppy. He had the door open. Luckily for me, this happened in right in front of our house. Back then we never really heard about children being taken but this guy gave me a hinky feeling so I ran towards the house and he took off.
If we had a homework question, my parents would say, "Look it up." I can't remember them ever sitting down to do homework with me.
Heaven help us if we didn't use our manners! In 4th grade, we spent a 6 week period having etiquette lessons. Enid Haupt's The Seventeen Book of Etiquette was required reading.
When I married the first time, my grandmother and her sisters bought my china at a grocery store this way! The nursery furniture for my 1st child was "bought" with Green Stamps and Top Value Stamps that were given t shoppers at grocery stores.
LOL, kind of true- I'm 64 and when I was a child, my brothers would take off and we'd see them right before dark. As the only girl, I'd sometimes stay out and play but I really preferred reading.
Also, I did avoid a kidnapping attempt. When I was 7 yo, I was riding my bicycle and a man pulled over. He asked me to get into his car to help him find his puppy. He had the door open. Luckily for me, this happened in right in front of our house. Back then we never really heard about children being taken but this guy gave me a hinky feeling so I ran towards the house and he took off.
If we had a homework question, my parents would say, "Look it up." I can't remember them ever sitting down to do homework with me.
Heaven help us if we didn't use our manners! In 4th grade, we spent a 6 week period having etiquette lessons. Enid Haupt's The Seventeen Book of Etiquette was required reading.
Encyclopedia Britannica, bought 1 book at a time from the grocery store.
When I married the first time, my grandmother and her sisters bought my china at a grocery store this way! The nursery furniture for my 1st child was "bought" with Green Stamps and Top Value Stamps that were given t shoppers at grocery stores.
Gold Bond Stamps
I remember those too but the weren't given away in our local stores.