i'm sure some accountant went ballistic when they saw their biohazard disposal costs skyrocket for the few masktards who believed everything is infected.
Spent 5 days in the hospital last week and the only time I had a mask was when they transferred me from one unit to another. They told me I could hang it from my ear just had to have it showing.
Senior doctors wore no masks while interns wore them sporadically. Nurses wore them at first but below the nose before long and not at all later. It was all theatre and only had one nurse who believed it was saving lives. It was a teaching hospital with first week students who were required to wear them.
While in for hernia surgery, the nurse asked if I was jabbed. I said I was not. She said, if anyone else asks just say yes, or else you’ll have to be swabbed and delayed. They all know it’s bullshit. Btw, no one else asked.
Nobody asked about the vax or offered one, but they do require a swab since I was being admitted. If they get a positive test result Medicaid pays the hospital $13,000 automatic RONA CASH.
there's no excuse for people who've had osha rules pounded into their heads for years- surgical masks are just sneeze guards and N95 are only effective for one time use of an hour or so, and only for people properly fitted. fucking retarded sheep will do anything if it comes from authority.
I try to avoid doctors at all. Unfortunately, had to have hernia surgery last week, couldn’t put off any longer. The doctors building is adjacent to a hospital. Of course, they still require masks in the building. I stood maskless in the middle of the elevator while everyone else shook with fear plastered to the walls. I had used this surgeon before, and knew he was anti establishment. In the hall outside his door is a hand written F U to the rest of the building. “Masks are NOT required in this office. And NOT is underlined just in case you missed the caps.
Ha! I work around science people every day as I build and work in Bio-Tech research Labs. Most have no clue and mask up because of their brain dead superiors, or just fear in general. They have not read into the science behind all this. They have literal blinders on as they work in the scientific fields. I have to play by their rules just to be let into their buildings and keep working. Jabbed? Well, I have my card….
Viruses are all different small sizes because they're just dead cell debris. Bacteria eat the virus debris. Viruses aren't alive. They can't 'infect' other people. Watch this.
As a cancer patient I've gone to the hospital many times over the past 2 years for various appointments. At my hospital they use plain cardboard boxes to collect the used masks. WoRsT pAnDeMiC eVaR!
Click on the "Fact Sheet" for Healthcare provider, any age should do.
Would anyone like to copypasta the first bulletin under " INFORMATION TO PROVIDE TO VACCINE RECIPIENTS/CAREGIVERS"? Yes, you can do this with the other clot shots as well.
You mean the part where they state the many ways you can die from the vaxx starting with ADMINSTRATIVE ERRORS.
"Program must report all vaccine administration errors, all serious adverse events, cases of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) in adults and children, and cases of COVID-19 that result in hospitalization or death following administration of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.
Haha, I actually meant this part: "FDA has authorized the emergency use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19
Vaccine, which is not an FDA-approved vaccine."
i'm sure some accountant went ballistic when they saw their biohazard disposal costs skyrocket for the few masktards who believed everything is infected.
Spent 5 days in the hospital last week and the only time I had a mask was when they transferred me from one unit to another. They told me I could hang it from my ear just had to have it showing.
Senior doctors wore no masks while interns wore them sporadically. Nurses wore them at first but below the nose before long and not at all later. It was all theatre and only had one nurse who believed it was saving lives. It was a teaching hospital with first week students who were required to wear them.
While in for hernia surgery, the nurse asked if I was jabbed. I said I was not. She said, if anyone else asks just say yes, or else you’ll have to be swabbed and delayed. They all know it’s bullshit. Btw, no one else asked.
Nobody asked about the vax or offered one, but they do require a swab since I was being admitted. If they get a positive test result Medicaid pays the hospital $13,000 automatic RONA CASH.
I explained to the male nurse (military veteran) the following fact about masks:
"If the virus was the size of a ping pong ball the gap in the fabric of a mask would be 28 feet in diameter"
He argued that masks still provide protection. I'm sure he is going to get a 4th shot before the fifth one is available in the fall.
This is clearly a training program to systematically eradicate all common sense.
They say it takes two weeks of consistency to instill a new habit.
Apparently it takes longer to remove any residue of common sense out of the system.
Two and a half years later and still they struggle, damn we're stupid.
Common sense may just be the common core after all.
4 weeks to instill a habit.
My bad!
You deserve the upvote
I explained to the male nurse (military veteran) the following fact about masks:
"If the virus was the size of a ping pong ball the gap in the fabric of a mask would be 28 feet in diameter"
He argued that masks still provide protection. I'm sure he is going to get a 4th shot before the fifth one is available in the fall.
there's no excuse for people who've had osha rules pounded into their heads for years- surgical masks are just sneeze guards and N95 are only effective for one time use of an hour or so, and only for people properly fitted. fucking retarded sheep will do anything if it comes from authority.
With only a 30% efficacy. Never leave that part out.
I try to avoid doctors at all. Unfortunately, had to have hernia surgery last week, couldn’t put off any longer. The doctors building is adjacent to a hospital. Of course, they still require masks in the building. I stood maskless in the middle of the elevator while everyone else shook with fear plastered to the walls. I had used this surgeon before, and knew he was anti establishment. In the hall outside his door is a hand written F U to the rest of the building. “Masks are NOT required in this office. And NOT is underlined just in case you missed the caps.
He argued that masks still provide protection
You should’ve retorted “an immune system provides more…”
I layed so much science and knowledge on him that he excused himself to "attend to another patient",
Ha! I work around science people every day as I build and work in Bio-Tech research Labs. Most have no clue and mask up because of their brain dead superiors, or just fear in general. They have not read into the science behind all this. They have literal blinders on as they work in the scientific fields. I have to play by their rules just to be let into their buildings and keep working. Jabbed? Well, I have my card….
No jab here. I live in an FU state where the Governor made it illegal for anybody other than a doctor to ask if you are vaccinated.
God Bless you and your state. Commiefornia and the Bay Area here…l
Viruses are all different small sizes because they're just dead cell debris. Bacteria eat the virus debris. Viruses aren't alive. They can't 'infect' other people. Watch this.
Haha. Yes. Can confirm. 😂
I work in a hospital but cannot view this because the overlords here(at work) have blocked the media website.
Username checks out LOL
use a urgent care type place for something like that.
As a cancer patient I've gone to the hospital many times over the past 2 years for various appointments. At my hospital they use plain cardboard boxes to collect the used masks. WoRsT pAnDeMiC eVaR!
Go here: https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/comirnaty-and-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine
Click on the "Fact Sheet" for Healthcare provider, any age should do. Would anyone like to copypasta the first bulletin under " INFORMATION TO PROVIDE TO VACCINE RECIPIENTS/CAREGIVERS"? Yes, you can do this with the other clot shots as well.
You mean the part where they state the many ways you can die from the vaxx starting with ADMINSTRATIVE ERRORS.
"Program must report all vaccine administration errors, all serious adverse events, cases of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) in adults and children, and cases of COVID-19 that result in hospitalization or death following administration of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.
Haha, I actually meant this part: "FDA has authorized the emergency use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, which is not an FDA-approved vaccine."
Even on the streets on the sidewalk.
dEaDLIEsT vIrUs iN hIsToRy
True in the outpatient setting, so I am sure it is true at the hospital too.
These are good memes here and in the comments but y'all have them in higher resolution? The pixelation gives me a headache.. 😬