Going to church for the first time today
🏡 Local WIN 🏘️
Bit nervous, but glad I am honoring this promise I made to God when I needed his help. Dont think I would have ever done this if I never came here, so thank you guys for your consistent outpour of faith.
I hope it is a true, Christian church! Our pastor today was preaching on the book of Jude, considered a "doorway" to the book of Revelation. One of the things he mentioned in the sermon was that the Bible warned of churches being infiltrated by essentially "agents of evil", who corrupt the word of God, and try to convince people that all sorts of sin are o.k. to continue doing if you are a Christian. The first thing Jesus told people he encountered was repent. Although sins are forgiven, unless a person repents of that sinful nature/lifestyle/habit, their salvation is seriously in doubt.