Although different languages and translations may subtly alter what some Bible passages say/mean, it is the totality of Holy Scripture that matters, and can be summed up as follows:
God made the universe, Earth, man, and all living things
Man rebelled against God and sin entered the world
Man became so sinful that God destroyed all but a handful of humans who went on to re-populate the Earth
God created Jews as a special set of humans, with specific laws to follow
Jews could not achieve "righteousness" through those laws and a savior, Jesus, God in human form, was born into the world
Jesus taught his disciples, lessons now for us all, that love is the ultimate commandment
Jews rejected Jesus, but Jesus died so that ALL humans could be made righteous through FAITH in His sacrifice and payment for their sins
Jesus' disciples, including Paul, the former Jewish persecutor of Christians, further expanded on Jesus' teaching and provided additional instructions for how Christians should live.
All humans, Jew and Gentile, have the ability to decide whether to accept the free gift of salvation offered by Jesus
Although different languages and translations may subtly alter what some Bible passages say/mean, it is the totality of Holy Scripture that matters, and can be summed up as follows: