Shinzo Abe Assassination
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u/dty6 u/lonewulf u/basedcitizen
Shinzo Abe Death
Japanese MAGA fans are theorizing that Abe was assassinated by a sniper and that the sawed-off shotgun was a decoy. It was just a cover and that the real kill came from a bullet higher up.
I don't buy this theory for several reasons. One, it'd be easier just to have a silencer from one of the nearby pedestrians. Two, a sniper bullet does a lot more damage than people realize.
They can be quiet:
But this is how sniper bullets work and they do an incredible damage. The bullet would pass through Abe and hit the people on the other side of him. There would be a hole in Abe and the blood would gush out from the hole the bullet would rip through him and likely kill anyone else in its path.
Many Japanese don't actually know how a lot of guns work because guns are so restricted in Japan. They have only what they see on TV. This guys rates how they actually work:
A homemade sawed off shotgun also doesn't make sense because the wide spray should have injured others. That it got a kill shot is a near statistical impossibility, especially at that range.
Has anyone taken a close look at the homemade shotgun? Have you noticed that it doesn't really look fired. It fired "twice" but the barrel doesn't seem to have taken the damage you'd expect from gunpowder being fired with shrapnel fired through two pipes welded together. Even if it worked, it'd suffer a lot of damage from the shots themselves.
Third theory, one of the security team or pedestrians got closed and killed Abe with either drug or a knife. But then why would Abe collapse (not drop down) like he'd been hit. You can see he played along.
The theory that makes the most sense to me is from the decode blog:
Super Mario = Shinzo Abe
The comm was set up at the Olympics.
On the day of his "assassination" this article drops:
Lego = Let's go
Mario is famous for "Let'su go!"
Also 2,807 piece... (2 + 8 + 0 + 7 = 17)
Cool videos on sniper guns. Never realized they could be that quiet. Impressive.
"A homemade sawed off shotgun also doesn't make sense because the wide spray should have injured others. That it got a kill shot is a near statistical impossibility, especially at that range."
This is the one that got me. There were like five guys standing directly behind Abe. Abe was standing on a small box. The only part of Abe that was exposed was his head. The guys behind him were just holding up briefcases after the first shot (which somehow miraculously missed everyone). Not a single one of them got hit, or at least I never heard that anyone else was injured. C'mon man. It was a shotgun. It was a spray. It's not a question of "why did Abe get hit," but a question of why these guys didn't. Also, think of the physics. The farther away the target is the wider the spray becomes. Those five guys should have taken the brunt of it, as they were closer to the shooter.
It's also a miracle that that homemade gun not only worked, but that it didn't blow up in the shooter's face. It had duct tape wrapped around it, for pete's sake.
The other thing I noticed that no one seems to be talking about, is that on the second shot, Abe ducks down (too late, the gun was already fired), then runs to his right, still leaning over. If he was hit, he should have fallen forward, because that's the direction most of his weight was headed. Instead, we see him later lying on the ground on his back, as though he had fallen backwards. This doesn't make any sense. No one would have flipped him around 180 degrees. If he'd have fallen forward, the most they might have done was roll him over, in which case his head would have pointed in the opposite direction.
The other giveaway is the fact that the crowd didn't react the way you'd expect. They didn't immediately run and scatter. People moved away and hunched down, or took a few steps back, but they didn't leave the immediate area. This isn't instinctual. Instinct says to get the heck out of there, not hang around to see what happens next. Look at all of the people that gathered around the jersey barriers to see what was going on with Abe. Would you have done that? Or, would you have long since bugged out?
Also the people near the barriers were lined up one after the other. They were standing in such a way as to block as much of the the view as possible. People that are trying to see something tend to huddle up to get as close as possible.
Excellent points.
Also, let me just add that Japanese don't know much about guns. They live in a very gun-free society. Most people are afraid when guns go off in crowds (naturally) but Japanese would especially freak out. They have no idea about the "fight" part in "fight or flight". It's just flight.
A gun goes off and I guarantee they are running. They will NOT stand around and gawk. Also what kind of security let's pedestrians get in close and start taking pictures of a former Prime Minister bleeding out? Is this the worst security team ever or what?
Yeah, sure let's take some selfies with the body. Everyone, gather for a group photo with the dying man! This gonna be so epic on the gram!
A man just fired. The first thing you do is get any other potential accomplices away from the scene. You don't know if there is a second or third shooter. Someone could have a bomb.
Why on Earth would you let the crowd gather at all?
And why would you plant a former prime minister (high profile target) in the middle of a cross section with only guard rails for protection? He's an easy target for a car. In fact, why bother with the home made shot gun? It's not likely to work. A much safer bet would be to plow into Shinzo Abe with a truck. Those guard rails wouldn't be much protection. They clearly aren't blocking off the roads.
How did the killer get there? Did he drive? Did he take the train? (He came from the direction of the station). There are CCTV cameras outside those stations. There should be footage of him approaching or he should have left a vehicle somehwere. How did he get there?
it's all unbelievable, that's why I don't believe it
The other clear point is that if this is a fake death, the entire world media went along with it. All the world leaders were like "Yup! He's gone. sad face emojis"
As Biden would say "C'mon man!"
The rest of the world have militaries capable to analyzing and noticing the thing we are noticing. They gotta KNOW it doesn't make sense, yet they are all like "he's so dead. Legit dead. No questions needed."
I also noticed that the leftist I know were stumbling over themselves and lost on what narrative they should push. The "Japan has strict gun control, but a gun still killed in Japan" really through them for a loop. I caught a few bewildered leftists actually push that one because they were so starved for their narrative.
Would the DS be that careless not to prepare its minions with a Leftist narrative? I don't think so. They didn't see this coming. Whites Hats and the Cooperating fooled them good.
The cells are being dismantled. Look at the dismal turnout to abortion rallies in New York. Dozens showed up. Dozens. Roe vs Wade is overturned and hardly anyone shows to protest. Even the Leftists that came were confused and kept making excuses because they didn't get it either. In their mind "abortion is super popular so where the f was everyone?"
More and more pedo rings are getting exposed and dismantled. Witness are coming forward without fear of MS-13 and 187s. You can see it scares the pedos who will serve the System till the end as long as it provides them protection for their "hunting".
There is clearly far more flipped and cooperating than we realize. The sociopathic minions will serve to the end. They HATE regular humans and are ability to feel joy and empathy. They still believe the System works for them. (They really do). However, we can see it's weakening before our eyes.
Just dozens showing up in blue central for the overturning of R v W is a big sign.
Once people flip they have to see it to the end because their dead if the DS comes back. Think of a mafia member who wears a wire to incriminate the other mob bosses. He's now 100% in with the police at that point. They won't just kill him if they find out.
So the Crown and others are flipped
This is when they flipped and surrendered to White Hats:
When you flip, there is no going back. It's do or die. Now they must help the DS get dismantled or they're dead.
boy that seems like so long ago, doesn't it?
And in rereading that "learn our comms" post, regarding socks and peanuts - haven't we been reading about socks in the news recently? Kash Patel, punisher socks, Trump even posted on TS about socks, some thought it was a typo for stocks
In that post did you notices Q's link to "The Society For the prevention of Cruelty to Children"?
Guess what the "Witches" group in the remake of Witches call themselves?
This movie was FULL of comms.
In the movie the "Witches" and the "Grand High Witch" gather in the hotel for a meeting on their society that is called word for word "The Society For the Prevention Of Cruelty To Children". And they go there to plot how do destroy and eradicate every child on the planet (depopulation).
The grandma tells the boy that Witches hate children and are demons disguised in human form. That destroying a child brings then the joy that eating ice cream sundae gives to kids. Children smell like dog shit to them.
The movie even makes a point of showcasing how the organization that promotes itself as "saving children" is full of "demons trying to destroy children".
That's wild. You must watch a lot of tv/movies, or at least keep up with it. I've never heard of this movie.
Yeah, I I had to look it up. 😁
That's a great catch! I don't think he's dead either. I don't think Ivana is dead either. I wish something would habben even more exciting than the excitement we've seen. I want another R v W day.
Have yall read that scotus already overturned the election? There's been some noise in the MSM about the MAGA scotus overturning democracy.
It won't post, but look at Q post #3382 (dated July 8th)
got it
Looking at the DecodingSymbols blog on Abe:
"Japan's Ruling Party Wins Big..." reminds me of the phrase, "they made a killing" or "they cleaned up."
make a killing
If you make a killing, you make a large profit very quickly and easily. [informal]
They have made a killing on the deal. [+ on]
Synonyms: profit, gain, clean up [informal], be lucky
u/dty6 u/lonewulf
I have my own theory on the "skyrocketing" deaths. I suspect the world population is greatly inflated. This was to push the narrative that the population was rapidly growing while the DS kidnapped, aborted, and murdered millions through various ways.
In fact, the opposite is true. The human population is tanking worse than many realize. If people knew just how fast it's dropping in places they'd panic. The not-so-elite wanted to convince people overpopulation was a thing to trick people into limiting the number of kids they had and to hide the disappearances.
Now the numbers are being corrected, but the only way to "correct" the over inflated numbers is for the fake people to "die" so people can see the real population.
If they suddenly just by the way the population of the UK is not 70 million. It's actually 50 million (just making that number up) but for example. Yes, 20 million people don't exist. NEVER existed.
People would freak out.
If they said "20 million died" within two years. People would freak out. You'd have mass panic.
How do you correct the population numbers without causing panic?
Gradually, but with a higher rate of death than normal.
In fact, the population crash is a lot worse than we were led to believe.
Which is why the globalists needed a mass depopulation event to remove the "older" people. Who will care for the elderly who have few kids? Think of all those leftists women when they turn 70 and there is NO ONE to take care of them. They'll need the taxpayer to do it. The government would rather they just die than foot the bill.
Daddy government loves wasting money, but not on the people.
If they ever bother to figure out the math, there are simply not enough of other people's kids to pay the taxes to care of them. The cabal knew this as well. This is why a Depopulation event is necessary.
If all the future cat ladies figured this out they might start birthing "retirement" plans, but they still think the government will take care of them. Ha!
Go to 1:32 and it talks about all the sudden high death rates. I suspect this is to "correct" the overpopulation data and ease into what the actual population is and has been for a while. You don't want to make 5 million people go "poof". It would freak everyone out. So you do it by 1,300 a day and hope no one notices.
Part of the athletes dying I think is to help create the narrative of "yeah there is this unusually high death read". Everyone will come up with a reason.
Well, that's a very interesting idea, and one that I have entertained before. The death rate numbers, and the covid death clicker on the tell a vision screen, are not believable.
I live in San Antonio, though - it doesn't seem like there's a failing population, it seems like there is an ever increasing population. Ha!
That's because so many are moving to Texas and Florida. But taking from one to give to another means that other areas have a fast-declining population.
I believe it, I really do.
I lived in the midwest for 17 (!) years. What a miserable place, always gray and rainy and cold. yuck.
On the population shrinking...
I think you've hit the nail on the head.
The replacement rate to maintain population is, I believe, 2.1 children per couple.
Looking at my family on my mother's side, she had 4 other brothers and sisters, so you have:
5 children in generation 1.
There are currently 5 children in generation 2.
And only 6 children in generation 3.
So far in generation 4 there are only 4 children and it's not likely to get anywhere near replacement level.
Given the ideal replacement rate, there should be:
2 in generation 1
4 children in generation 2
8 children in generation 3
16 children in generation 4
Now, my spouse is 1 of 6 children.
Generation 2 has only 4 children.
Generation 3 has only 5 children.
Both initially large families have shrunk to less than replacement.
u/dty6 u/basedcitizen
I got to thinking...the whole Abe murder got memory-holed pretty quickly. I hadn't heard a single thing about a funeral, so I just went to take a look:
Ha, ha, guess what? Hugely well-known politician has a "private" funeral. And, the most telling thing of all: he was cremated. There went any evidence of his "death" up in smoke.
Abe's widow is also seated in the front seat of the hearse -- masked. So, you can't see her emotions -- or the lack thereof.
Surprise, surprise.
Or even if that's really her
Good point.
True. If Abe faked his death to go into hiding, his wife would go with him. They'd have a fake wife to take her place because she'd need to go into protection with him. It's also not uncommon for a "grieving" widow to isolate for a few months while she processes the death.
u/dty6 u/lonewulf
Sears = Sears
Sears = Sees
Minutes = 60 seconds
17 x 60 = 1020 seconds
Read Q post #1020:
Boyle = Boil
Heights = High
Resurrection School
Things reaching a boiling.
Sears = seas = The WAVE.
u/dty6 u/lonewulf
Look at the drudge main page right now.
What do you see?
News about HEAT WAVE in UK. News about Biden's visit in Saudi Arabia.
There is a picture of a giraffe (think Rothschild Giraffe) and below it "Extinction happening faster than expected).
The a story about STALLONE (Stall loan) going after ROCKY. (Stall/ loan/ Rocky).
... demands rights returned (Rights to the people).
Sly tweeted:
Sly also wrote:
error on "by". Should be "buy. U is missing.
And the article says:
I suspect they are sending some major comms. (Stallone has sent Q comms before and he is a friend of Trump's). I imagine Winkler is in on the comms and not hurt by the comments. He knows Stallone is sending a message out and using him to do it.
Just a quickie while I read the rest:
Good catch. I just noticed another:
In Spanish, mar means "sea".
Sea Go!
Something with the sea (or water = info) is a Go.
This also lines up with the SEAr comms. In the Sears, the "r" is not lit.
There is also comms about 💩. I can't remember exactly what it means, but I know it has something to do with information. (This comm was used about Guislaine Maxwell when she was in jail and the rat came out of the sewer pipe.) Toilet paper would be use to "clean up" after "depositing" information, as it "absorbs."
raw sewage = raw intel
Yes, I believe this was it. Thanks for the assist. I've been trying to cram 10 lbs of 💩 in a 5 lb brain. It doesn't always work out. Kek!
u/dty6 u/lonewulf
I highlighted errors or things that seem out of place. Notice he puts the ellipses after ... Why? Who did he mean?
Notice 93 and 47 both add to 11.
Parasitical P?
A toilet is a seat.
More of the story:
Stallone has been hitting Winkler hard with personal attacks, and shared an surreal portrait of Winkler to Instagram. In the image, Winkler appears to have the body of a snake and a knife blade for a tongue.
Was just reading your Stallone post and went to look up something and saw that there was an explosion at the Hoover Dam: