You are of course welcome to your opinion, but those Uvalde cowards aren't "Pseudo-cops". They are absolutely representative of police officers everywhere. We see it everyday in videos on YT and in the news: high school graduates with a gun and a badge, nothing more. They showed cowardice at Columbine, they showed cowardice in Broward County, and they showed it in spades at Uvalde. An entire Army Battalion worth of "men", let a single shooter kill ten-year-olds for over an hour. So pardon me for objecting to any attempt to excuse them as "outliers" or "bad apples". We know better. We know that if you want yourself and your family protected, you need to do it yourself, and no hillbilly in a blue uniform is going to give a tinkers damn about you or your family when it counts.
You are of course welcome to your opinion, but those Uvalde cowards aren't "Pseudo-cops". They are absolutely representative of police officers everywhere. We see it everyday in videos on YT and in the news: high school graduates with a gun and a badge, nothing more. They showed cowardice at Columbine, they showed cowardice in Broward County, and they showed it in spades at Uvalde. An entire Army Battalion worth of "men", let a single shooter kill ten-year-olds for over an hour. So pardon me for objecting to any attempt to excuse them as "outliers" or "bad apples". We know better. We know that if you want yourself and your family protected, you need to do it yourself, and no hillbilly in a blue uniform is going to give a tinkers damn about you or your family when it counts.
Time to bring back the minute men 😎