Why do other batches have no expiry date? Why do the batches with expiry date happen to be the deadly ones? Why does CDC want to keep this list a secret?
The reason is that the batches which contain the mRNA vaccines are the ones that would expire. The batches with the saline are the ones that don't need an expiry date.
Does it mean all the batches other than the deadly ones were actually Saline?
Most of the humanity is actually safe?
This seems like a low number of batches on both the VAERS and CDC sides for how many « shots have been given ».
I also find it odd that they only did the side-by-side comparison for the Pfizer lots. J&J is also on the expiry list but it’s not shown with a VAERS comparison. That’s suspect if you’re trying to prove a point.
My niece took the J&J (because only one shot) and she has been ill with different colds, respiratory stuff for weeks at a time, off and on. (24 yo)
The J&J requires a booster, tho.