So i was looking on reddit (i know i know, i mostly use it 99% for a sub dedicated to alcoholics in recovery) and came across a post about Trans (shocker i know).. someone said "you cant be trans its against God" to which somebody else said "post the bible quote thats against transitioning then" i posted “A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God."
Its already sinking in downvotes 😆
In our present day this is considered acceptable feminine attire.
In Moses’ day men and women both wore robes. Men wore recognizably masculine robes and women wore recognizably feminine robes.
The issue isn’t about specific types of 21st century garments. It’s about a ban on cross dressing and transvestitism. This is completely tied to our present day fashion norms and cultural context. Ex. A woman wearing sweatpants with her husband’s t-shirt is not considered cross dressing but a feminine way of dressing down. Inversely a man wearing a kilt is not considered cross dressing because a kilt is considered a man’s garment.