Girl's Electric Car Needs New Battery but It's More Expensive Than Vehicle Itself - Then She Gets Even Worse News...The Siwinskis were told the battery pack was at the end of its life and needed to be replaced, and the bill was going to be $14,000...The dealer said it couldn’t even get a battery.
🤡 Clown World 🌎
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And when you already control the power company, then you control when people drive, how much, where, etc. You also control how hungry they are by causing extended black outs that forces refrigerated items to go bad and, with the all the slack-off from home stuff, you control how productive that person is.
The idea is to get everything on the power grid, then they can control every aspect of our lives by turning off the power. Trouble with the government, OFF, wrong think on social media, OFF. Smart meters make the whole thing very easy and very viable.
Yep. 1000% correct.