363 Left the Forces in December because of the jab mandate. I’ve been directionless ever since. Packed up my truck and heading for Alberta or Saskatchewan to find work and a place to live. How fucked am I? (media.greatawakening.win) 🧐 Help Wanted 🤔 posted 2 years ago by Home_ 2 years ago by Home_ +364 / -1 205 comments download share 205 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Take your College Fund, and go to a Training School, one that improves on our MOS....
IF you are Combat MOS, then go and get a Truck Driving or Welding or some other interesting Skill that can get you some serious $$$$......
But, don't just move to some place without the Skills you'll need in that area.....
And believe me, working the Oil and Gas Wells is NOT for everyone.....