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In this video Michael Tsarion has a good explanation of the event of the same Alien encounter and he also mentions that not only Elohim is a plural, but also Adam & Eve are too and it refers men and women created as hybrids by the Aliens to serve them. Garden of Eden is Atlantis (which is where the Aliens built their base when they came here) and Adam was the second hybrid. The first ones were too smart and escaped them and became free, These are the sons of serpents.
A lot of this is consistent with Mauro Bigliano's work, but the son of serpents was new. His explanation of the apple in garden of eded is very interesting.
Do you have a link please? Sounds very interesting.
Mauro says there was 13 gan edins ..the first in mesopotamia. One in South Africa. Michael tellinger talks about the fossils. Horrible fossils which has to be the trials to get a human.
Mauro said Adam was placed...he came from elsewhere...so.serpent...another elohim raped eve..there was no plan to let the cloned eves and Adams procreate naturally..they wanted control by artificial insemination ..eating the fruit meant sex...that's why Bible says they ate from the tree of life...and they were frightened they would become as us re. very long lives through technology ..tree of knowledge. that they were sent out from gan edin..eve would bear children in pain and sorrow etc etc.bigger heads...
Mauro says it was the elohim that mated with the eves that enlil wanted destroyed...they were giants etc and it should not have happened. Hence the flood story.. Gilgamesh was a hybrid giant but he was searching for the gan edin to live longer.
The young elohim gave blood and sperm to turn the hominids into us. Only the hybrids having sex with elohim got long lives. Noah was the second template. Perfect as genesis kept saying and he went off with them when they left.
As Yahweh of all of them was so vicious and evil natured I cannot think any of them had any spiritual right brain activity.. mass murders going on all the time. A bit like now here so I won't be surprised if they are still here.
If it's true there has been a galactic council all this time..as mentioned in the Bible...are there new aliens on the council as pentagon has no way to stop the craft interfering in their defense measures? Does this mean is ra EL is going to lose its place..no more central banking money control etc? And even more pertinent why was the world put through the scam vaxx?
We have had so many resets. Been wiped out so many times due to pole shifts etc there is evidence of advanced people here 200000 years ago. I like the nummo the aliens that made us..they were good..no desire to control etc. They say there is a pole shift due now...will we get some help?
This is the video where he summarizes his findings about Alien invasion: https://www.bitchute.com/video/I7n015XZQrWg/
I find Tsarion and Mauro's accounts quite consistent, however Tsarion thinks that Elohim did not sleep with Eves, but rather the sons of the serpants (the first hybrids created by Elohim that weren't dumbed down), and they didnt actually have sex, rather Eves were impregnated genetically.
Virgin / Immaculate Conception = any Eve who was genetically impregnated by the suns of serpants (good hybrids)
Tree of Life = Knowledge of genetics
Eating the Apple = Understanding that Eden was a slave pen and Adam/Eve were slaves. Basically eating Apple = Red pill in today's terms
Flood = Frozen waters from Nibiru fell onto Earth after a mega weapon was deployed against the Elohim by the sons of serpants, which also caused destruction of Atlantis (which is Eden)
I believe Enki was a Elohim and Enlil was a son of serpant who was still working for the Elohim.
Thank you for the links! I love learning by scouring the comment sections for information that I can consider!
Tsarion seems to be covering a few resets spanning great swathes of time in the first few chapters of genesis having a hard time flowing him.
The elohim as it says in the Bible CHP 6 v 1..4referscto the sons of God ..the elohim young aliens and the daughters of men and had sex with them
Mauro says page 80 the naked bible...the one mentioned in genesis was certainly not god nor were Adam and Eve our ancestors and the aforementioned snake surely not a repitile. The Talmud it is even written that he was originally gifted with limbs.. nor is an apple mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. Malum can mean evil or apple .. mistranslation. Taking the fruit means consummating a sexual act. Even the notes of the Jerusalem Bible says it wasn't a punishment to leave the gan edin ..it was to prevent Adams and eves learning the secret of long lives
In Judaism the concept of original sin does not even exist. A sin was needed to need a saviour to redeem us..a pagan concept ..there have been many of them.
The snake was one of the elohim..meaning possessor of knowledge with reference to double helix of DNA.
The concept of good and evil was only the experience of feeling sick or good.
So Cain is from eve and the elohim and the other line from Adam and eve.direct descendents of the adamic line.
The nefilim are the elohim mating with the daughters of men .producing giants
Does Bigliano have any English translated videos or writings? I’ve been struggling with close-captioned !
Have you seen the latest UltraQ pics? It shows two suns, one large and another one in the distance. Is the smaller one Nibiru which are the Annunaki, returning? I have read there were good Annunaki and bad ones. I have seen UltraQ talk about the RA and the EL. My research seems to suggest that EL (the evil god) tried to usurp the RA identity (the good god), replaced him and eventually became known as Elohim and Baal and then Moloch. I can't figure out though if Elohim is the same as Yahweh. The astonishing thing for most Christians will be that the god of the Old Testament may be the Devil himself.
NCSWIC may be referring to the return of Nibiru.
Is is what people called the EL elohim...I saw an is approaching....is ra el. Moloch is a pagan god of sacrifice. Baal was a title .Clif high says in his latest newsletter. Malachim are the messengers..gavri el healing and as it says in the Bible covered Mary...ie had sex with her. When Joseph came back from his business trip there she was pregnant. I think it's in this bit about the IS approaching.
240 odd came in batches of fifty. Whatever name you read it is them .judges kings lord arch angels.jehovah Zeus Hercules Heracles Apollo Hermes all the Greek gods ...then Mohamed was visited by an angel..Allah or elel as the Arabs say...Krishna and all the Hindu gods . Adonai Quetzalcoatl . Grandson of noah. One of them as was Enoch. ... cherubs were robots.......god most high was Elyon the leader who assigned territories to elohim. Yahweh,a governor only of tribe of Jacob
You could choose your governor .Abraham was bribed by yahweh as he had an army of about 300 men.do he moved. His relatives stayed with the elohim of where they lived.
We don't know how evil the others were..only yahweh, a war general and his wife asherah dished out 613 commandments so perhaps he is the worst how odd they turned him into the transcendental omnipresent omnipotent God of love,. We know more about Yahweh because the Bible is his story. of the tribe of Jacob and their dealings with yahweh THEY CHOSE to have. Once Constantine with his visions of world domination through religion got his hands on the history then great changes were made. Constantine like everyone worshipped a pagan god Mithras .look him up .what you see will amaze you.
They drank a lot of wine and beer .Yahweh six litres a day..they gambled a lot and used the silver tribute shekels the population had to pay so they wouldn't get killed..the elohim loved burnt sacrifices and yahweh dished out lots of commandments of how to make the fire so the smoke from the abdomen fat of women and babies and lambs the elohim craved .soothed them. Yahweh nuked Sodom and Gomorrah. First rescuing one of their own hybrids because of a territory dispute and he nuked Sumeria because he was worried Marduk a giant hybrid had aspirations to overtake him as he had an army of followers building a ziggurat...as Iraqi politician said they were used to take off 7000 years ago
I have delved into this somewhat and watched various videos of the story of Enki and Enlil. Some of them were benevolent, or so it would appear, as they fought for the people and their survival. Take a look at some of the latest UltraQ posts and see what you make of them. They are certainly intriguing. I can't wait for the day when the absolute truth is revealed so we no longer have to sift through potentially misleading information and speculate on the absolute truth. Personally I don't trust any writings about this subject, including the Bible, as absolute. But, we will find out sooner or later, that's for sure. Everything will be revealed to free humanity. Thanks for your contribution. UltraQ: https://t.me/McafeeAfterlife
UltraQ ? Do you have a link?
According to Tsarion, the fugitive Aliens who landed on Earth were all 'bad" in the sense they wanted to farm minerals needed to escape by using the hybrids they created (Humans included). The "good Aliens" were the first hybrids they created who helped the humans (Adamites) to escape from slavery in Eden. The third hybrids - reptilians - were obviously really evil.
In this theory, it doesnt make sense for "Annunaki" to return, because most of the bad aliens perished over the 50,000 years or so, except for a few and their bloodline (current day Cabal).
Nibiru was supposedly a planet that was very reflective and looked like second sun, but was destroyed since the original fugitive Aliens made it look like they landed there, and the cops destroyed it (according to this video)
When Nibiru was destroyed, it became the current day asteroid belt. The waters on Nibiru is what caused the Deluge on earth and the current day oceans. I dont think there is any way for Nibiru to return, unless someone can put all the asteroids together.
Mauro Bigliano explains this very well and with a lot of research. Elohim is plural and refers to the aliens who came to earth to colonise it (most probably same aliens referenced by Tsarion in his video).
Yahweh was supposedly one officer of the Elohim, and the Abraham's clan made a deal to be his slaves in return for the promised land and right to rule earth.
Its very hard to make any sense of Old Testament until you realise that its "god" is actually a group of aliens. Once you do that leap, everything starts making sense.
There is a biblical aspect to Q, and my interpretation is that the same bloodline that colonised the Earth in Biblical times is the what we are fighting now, and hence defeating them once and for all would indeed be Biblical.
NCSWIC refers to the fact that White Hats have it all, and Trump used it to take out most of the heads and top end of the pyramid, and what we have left is to dismantle the financial enslavement system, and in the process wake up people to the Reality.
Thank you. I have researched all of your information before but it doesn't mean its actually reality. No offense intended. It is based on what we have been taught by various historians, researchers and thinkers. I think there is a lot we will learn that will cast doubt on anything we have been told by various writers. The latest UltraQ gives some hints about what is to be revealed.
The UltraQ, aka McAfeeAfterlife, channel replaced the old 8kun Q board. It has some of the same content and lines repeated but deals more with the spiritual aspects and the origination of humans and their gods. Many of the latest posts have showed the Pyramids and some are pictures of 2 suns, the second one believed to be Nibiru. https://t.me/McafeeAfterlife