What is this thread all about?
Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
Does not need to be Q related.
Most of us on this forum are entering the 4D state of consciousness or higher 4D. Awakening of the 4D Self often comes about because of a life crisis that triggers dormant emotions that catalyze the opening and deep desire to move out of suffering.
In the ‘lower 4th’ dimension, your 4D Self may experience an often painful and dramatic roller coaster of emotions and corresponding life experiences, usually in your closest relationships, in order for your feelings to come up to be felt and move out of shadow and into your awareness. This can be an ‘alchemical purgatory’ in terms of emotional reactions coming up, often ones that have been suppressed for this life or many lifetimes. You are entering ground here that you simply never have before.
Most of us here are higher vibrating individuals. That is why we have been able to exit the matrix. And yeah, it’s not easy! We were born for this. It is also important to remember that we must lead by example. Others who have not awakened yet see that we are different. We must let our light shine.
There’s a lot we don’t know. Whether we move on without them or not. We are certainly at different levels of awakening compared to most around us and are on the path to a higher vibrating world.
Thank you so much for the explanation. It perfectly describes my journey. Fortunately, I am feeling great peace and calm, even though the memories come flooding through. And dreams are constant! Some confuse me - wish I knew what some of them mean. Other dreams, like when my Grandma and my Mom came to see me, are so comforting! I’m very thankful that my grown daughter is experiencing some of the same things concurrently. Someone to talk to!