Despite my username I will be giving up drinking for quite some time. My friend is also giving up drinking and chewing tobacco.
We’re both super awake but have been in a funk since this covid stuff all started. I can say I am not the same person I was before covid for example many of my family members have turned into ghosts to me. Lost in their delusions of getting very sick while being triple shot and still insisting the jab is affective. In addition we’re surrounded by these types of people in King County WA.
Anyways both of us have agreed that to truly get out of this funk we need to give up vices, go to the gym, eat healthy and hold each other accountable. We held the line against the jab but we admitted that in the end the cabal got to us as we relied on vices as crutches against leftist insanity. In addition with the upcoming financial crisis we feel it is best to be sober and prepared.
We’re on day 3 currently thank you all.
I like to whistle a happy tune when I see especially stupid mask-wearers. It reminds me (and them) of what they can't do, and it cheers me up at the same time. I also ostentatiously smell flowers when I see them, which is much more pleasant than it sounds. It's always worth it to take time to smell the roses.
I like it!
Given the latest study on how filthy/disgusting cloth masks are, I can honestly say that I feel not even a smidgeon of guilt when I see a maskhole and think to myself "maskhole"!
My smoking increased horribly during covid but I'm back down to under 1 pack a day now. I've also recently decreased the amount of sugar in my diet by about 90% and can honestly say that I've never felt better as a result.
Congratulations on your new journey. You will definitely feel better as a result of what you're doing. Having an accountability partner will also help tremendously.
As far as dealing with the ignorance that you're surrounded by, the only advice that I can give you is to ignore them and pray that they're eyes get opened and that you have the grace to treat them better than they've treated you.
Kek…. Oh what a good idea. Maybe find all the songs that send a message and get a repertoire going
Oh, I dunno. I just whistle a pick-me-up tune. Yankee Doodle Dandy is just as good. Smiling is good too, because they can't smile back, either. I also enjoy ice cream cones more when masked people are around.
If you are being happy yourself, you can't lose. If you work to insult them, you might end up frustrated. A lot of them are so oblivious they don't know what to do with their own sneeze.