I forgot I signed up my email address way back when we caught someone else trying to set up a FF "training exercise." Some points from the email:
Emergency responders will exercise search and rescue, medical trauma treatment and first aid application in order to expand and strengthen communication, coordination and integration. As such, CRPs will be moulaged (application of injury makeup and fake blood) to portray various physical and emotional injuries and conditions, before going through simulated medical triage and decontamination processes multiple times during the exercise.
FFS y'all, what kind of "decontamination" are they talking about?
HDS seeks diversity among our CRPs, including gender, ethnicity, age, body types, disabilities, and foreign language abilities. Participants fluent in American Sign Language are also desired.
Hmm. Planning on hitting a deaf school next?
ELIGIBILITY: There is no security clearance requirement, so it is open to all, but criminal background checks and U.S. employment eligibility checks will be accomplished. All personnel must have appropriate ID and be without criminal background. All IDs are scanned by security personnel and persons with felony convictions will not be allowed to participate.
Can't have anons finding these folks in pics.
Due to a potentially strenuous decontamination process, and varying outside temperatures, CRPs should not have life-threatening or serious medical conditions.
Well it is hotter than 40 hells here in Texas but what exactly is this contaminant supposed to be?
If you are available and interested in supporting the exercise visit https://work4hds.com/apply/
Pay rates range between $125 and $375
Could be nothing but wanted to share.
An excerpt from a July 13, 2022 Word of the Lord Amanda Grace, Ark of Grace Ministries https://amandagrace4him.blogspot.com/2022/07/word-from-lord.html?m=1
“And says the Spirit of the Lord this day: it is MY desire that none shall perish, NONE. However, says the Lord, these leaders - their convoy have made a choice, says the Lord. They have chosen whom they will serve and now I, the Lord your God, from My throne shall evoke and enact MY rulings, and begin to unseat and remove such from the States that have been the most active behind the curtain. For the curtains are being pulled back and all those directing such a production shall be exposed. [Those] who have been operating in the shadows in Texas shall be exposed, for the tentacles of the wicked have wrapped themselves around the leadership of Texas and has blackmailed them to look the other way from the Border, says the Lord of Hosts. They took dirty money, says the Lord, laundered from Mexico, laundered from the enemy’s drug market. They took such, says the Lord, and it has ensnared them to look the other way. It shall come to a clashing head at the Border, says the Lord of Hosts, as a severe hit to the cartel - a Holy hit carried out by MY army, says the Lord - shall tumble them and their interests, and their markets, and their avenues, and buyers back, says the Lord, as they shall lose an alarming amount of their claim as events in Texas now begin to unfold. For I, the Lord thy God, shall PINCH their channel and it shall block the flow, says the Lord, for the time has come for their cup of iniquity to be poured out. For the blood of the innocent is crying out from the earth. It testifies against them, says the Lord of Hosts, as did the blood of Abel against Cain. And this testimony has come before MY throne and I, the Lord God, have issued a scroll of Judgment that is carried on a very large sword, and it shall impale their operations as it is now hurled towards Texas, and Mexico, and the border by California, says the Lord of Hosts this day.”