Another admission from the fake news! The New York Times surprisingly published an op-ed admitting that they were wrong about YOU...
This is great news and another sign that the Great Awakening is moving along...
I don’t agree with everything in the article, but it’s a damn good start...

Typical condescending NYT bullshit. It’s the protected class trying to turn Trump voters away from Trump by pretending they give a crap about our concerns, and that once they get absolute power, this time they’ll pay attention, if we’ll just vote for one of the uniparty candidates.
Exactly, all you have to do is read the last paragraph. All it’s really saying is we should have been even more deceptive. And yet the morons on the left somehow completely miss that entirely when you read the NYT comments.
It’s not a mea culpa. It’s a persuasion piece for the norm use, basically offering “redemption” for those who walk away from Trump right now.
They finally realized that attacking Trump only makes him stronger, especially in the polls where it matters most to them. So now, in pure desperation and in their pathologically narcissistic way, they are offering to stop bullying us if we stop supporting Trump today and they’ll just pretend they were wrong to misjudge us and they’ll leave us alone while they continue bullying only those who continue supporting him.
Yeah, no.
After everything they did? Calling us racists, nazis, bigots, etc.? Trying to destroy that great patriot and his family and associates? Throwing a MASSIVE tantrum and putting the country and the world through HELL? Bullshit mandates? Stealing the fucking election?
And now they’ll let us slide if we do as they say?
LMFAO!!! They are so desperate. This is how they beg. Pathetic.
How many people died or will die due to compliance and bullying others to comply with vaccine and masks?
They’re complicit murderers in my book. Fucking faggots. I won’t forget.
Unseat trump from Maga minds….mmm indeed….today Gaypiro was doing just that (when I leave work, Gaypiro is on the radio so I’ll always catch a minute or two of it before I can’t stand him and then change the channel)