Looking back, that is true. Had Pence sent it back the Dems would have called it fraud. If the vote was decertified they would have said Trump stole it. Now, after enduring the idiot resident and his crack team of morons we see who the Dems really are and what their plans were and what they wanted to do all along. Seeing it and having something done about it are 2 different things. Let's watch how it unfolds and whether Durham or the military acts. So much left to come out about about the death jab, stolen election, child trafficking, treasonous people both inside and out of government. This isn't a simple cleanup in aisle 3. The entire store is flooded with sewage. It's impossible to imagine what all must be done to clean it up, if that can happen at all?
Yea, but the damage that has been done. We'll recover for sure and return to superpower leader, but wasting all this time with these stupid idealists the don't know what they are doing is frustrating when we could be launching our prosperity to the Stratosphere and bringing the rest of the world with us.
“It had to be this way”.
Looking back, that is true. Had Pence sent it back the Dems would have called it fraud. If the vote was decertified they would have said Trump stole it. Now, after enduring the idiot resident and his crack team of morons we see who the Dems really are and what their plans were and what they wanted to do all along. Seeing it and having something done about it are 2 different things. Let's watch how it unfolds and whether Durham or the military acts. So much left to come out about about the death jab, stolen election, child trafficking, treasonous people both inside and out of government. This isn't a simple cleanup in aisle 3. The entire store is flooded with sewage. It's impossible to imagine what all must be done to clean it up, if that can happen at all?
Yea, but the damage that has been done. We'll recover for sure and return to superpower leader, but wasting all this time with these stupid idealists the don't know what they are doing is frustrating when we could be launching our prosperity to the Stratosphere and bringing the rest of the world with us.
Hide the best and nuke the rest?
Is Pence a good guy?