I have a random theory...some people/countries for example say that an animal tastes better when they've been tortured first. But no matter what the situation, animals are aware that something is wrong and would indeed always produce adrenaline upon death. Well adrenaline has the capability of turning into adrenochrome.
God did also give us healing plants, do we think he would enjoy his creations (animals) screaming in fear? We've probably all seen the picture of Jesus with the lamb, to me, it doesnt seem like the face of someone who is going to hurt them.
What if the cabal installed humans eating animals as their way of constant sacrifice and adrenaline going into the community? We've maybe also heard of the phrase 'You are what you eat'.
Having seen KFC adverts lately, when you take off your personal perspective goggles, you notice that the chicken wing is actually a dead chicken/dead body and the children are happily smiling when consuming death...i cant help but think this, especially coming from such a corporation.
Religions also create animal sacrifice as part of rituals. They also use blood in pharmaceuticals to medicate the people. Animals are also Gods children. They have the same innocence as children do. Does animal sacrifice come from the Cabal? Animal sacrifice to their 'God' every day? I cant unsee this theory now. I know it may ruffle a few feathers, but we're here to find the truth 💜
Also edible, Re: Jeffrey Dahmer.
Plants are just as alive and suffer when mistreated or killed. They communicate to one another so what are you eating now?
They do not react the same way animals or humans do. Animals react in the same way humans do though. Animals also bleed the same as us. On a cognitive scale, if you were driving a vehicle and you had to choose between hitting a bush or hitting an animal, what would your natural instinct choose to hit and avoid?
The animal as my insurance company would cover it. The bush Id have to pay my deductible
That answer is based on material observations though. Based on what society has taught you about money.
And food because the deer is going in the trunk bushes taste gross you guys are amusing to play with.
You're doing exactly what the media likes to do.
I wouldn’t know this is the only media I follow. If it is sounds like a bunch of intelligent folk to me.
And your just spouting random lines at this point. Did you mistype Reddit?
Oh and plants bleed
Do they? Cos it seems whatever media are hating on, there is often an agenda to try to force it on the masses. I presume you already know this. They don't like animal right activists or vegans? Well i see that as we are doing something right as it goes against their agenda. 🙏
I do not understand whose truth you are here to find. If you believe in God as creator and that the Bible is inspired by God you would believe a different truth than someone who doesn't believe in God or the authority of the Bible. You have an interesting theory but I find that it doesn't lead me to any truth on this subject.
I believe in God as a creator. I was raised in a Catholic family. Lately I've been uncovering a lot from history. I believe the bible has been re-written in parts. I try to learn from a neutral perspective so I don't get attached to particular ideas (based on my past learning and experiences). That helps me to dig deeper and try to undroctrinate myself as much as able. We know how much society has been manipulated throughout all of these years and how some parts of history have been re-written. I believe we all hold the key to the truth, within :)
You could talk about the omissions from the KJV as heavy censorship.
Ask a hunter, if you shoot a deer in a bad spot away from the vital organs, it will run until it eventually bleeds out. Up to that point adrenaline has kept the deer running, it has also tainted the meat. Which is why an ethical kill is always preferred.
Humans evolved our big brains due to animal protein and fat. We could not exist as we currently exist without consuming other animals. We’d be another semi-smart ape browsing in the bushes.
According to the bible, Jesus was a fisherman. Fish aren’t as cuddly as a lamb, but they are another of god’s creatures.
Do I believe we have an ethical responsibility to our “prey” animals? Yes, but that’s only possible because we’ve evolved the intelligence to be able to make ethical considerations.
Our intelligence has put us into the weird position to be able to second-guess our effort to survive. Intelligence is the ultimate life hack and we do need to wield it responsibly, but we shouldn’t ever be ashamed of it.
We need to realize we’re lucky to have what we have and stop apologizing for being what we are.
Thank you for your contribution. Can we prove that this section of the bible (along with other sections haven't been re-written though?