Theres lots of talk about governor pumpkinhead pritzger running for president. I have a gut feeling that hes going to be their nominee. I HIGHLY suggest people start stocking up on meme ammo against him because hes chicago mafia, they WILL cheat him in if they can.
Ill start off the discussion by reminding everyone that Rod Blago was arrested and sent to prison for conspiring to sell his seat. The person on the other side of that phone call was J.B. Himself. This is not conspiracy theory this is fact. Rod went to prison and pritzger got put into power. Dont let pritzger get a foothold!
Ann Coulter was betting Trump would not be the Republican candidate today. Not sure what world she is living in but I'm sure it's the same neighborhood as Hannity.
She's the kind who plays ball with the RINOs who'd rig primaries or find other means to stab Trump in the back. These are people so committed to their ideology they will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory just to say they were right. These people enjoy losing and making money complaining about it.