I remember Denny's and that it was THE place to go for a real chocolate malt made with choc ice cream and malt powder. Served in the metal container it was made in, plus a glass to pour it in, and their was always enough extra for about another third of a glass! Man. What ever happened to 'going the extra mile' just to please customers. I want that chocolate malt right now. Sigh.
Did you ever try a pint ice cream called Dreamery? Put out by Dreyers? a long time ago.
They had a chocolate malt that was perfect with a chocolate ganache top. I miss it.
I remember Denny's and that it was THE place to go for a real chocolate malt made with choc ice cream and malt powder. Served in the metal container it was made in, plus a glass to pour it in, and their was always enough extra for about another third of a glass! Man. What ever happened to 'going the extra mile' just to please customers. I want that chocolate malt right now. Sigh.
Did you ever try a pint ice cream called Dreamery? Put out by Dreyers? a long time ago. They had a chocolate malt that was perfect with a chocolate ganache top. I miss it.