Cuckervatives loved Romney and cannot even understand Ron Paul’s message. Seriously. The standard neocon cuckservative worships everything Romney stood for. The mainstream Republican is a different flavor of moron just playing the rile the electric Jew assigned to them.
Did you know anyone personally who felt that way? Because most people I knew begrudgingly went along with it. I don't recall a single person unironically liking Romney.
Other people said they liked Paul, but talked as though Romney had already won and there was nothing that could be done... Fuck that line of thinking and anyone who says it anymore. There is plenty that can be done. That is a derp state lie that has bound our minds in chains. We can always do something to improve or change things for the better. "tHiS iS hOw It'S aLwAyS bEeN" more derp state lies and programming. If you're a do nothing complainer, congrats you're a slave to the system.
I’m in NY which is cuckservative heaven. Republicans here are Kosher as fuck. Ron Paul was mainly only popular with young people who also ironically swung to Bernie half the time bc they’re just radical edgelords. My family lives in Idaho and from my experience out visiting there it wasn’t just Utah going for him. Colorado, Arizona and Nevada had huge support for him from what I could tell talking to people.
Cuckervatives loved Romney and cannot even understand Ron Paul’s message. Seriously. The standard neocon cuckservative worships everything Romney stood for. The mainstream Republican is a different flavor of moron just playing the rile the electric Jew assigned to them.
Did you know anyone personally who felt that way? Because most people I knew begrudgingly went along with it. I don't recall a single person unironically liking Romney.
Other people said they liked Paul, but talked as though Romney had already won and there was nothing that could be done... Fuck that line of thinking and anyone who says it anymore. There is plenty that can be done. That is a derp state lie that has bound our minds in chains. We can always do something to improve or change things for the better. "tHiS iS hOw It'S aLwAyS bEeN" more derp state lies and programming. If you're a do nothing complainer, congrats you're a slave to the system.
I’m in NY which is cuckservative heaven. Republicans here are Kosher as fuck. Ron Paul was mainly only popular with young people who also ironically swung to Bernie half the time bc they’re just radical edgelords. My family lives in Idaho and from my experience out visiting there it wasn’t just Utah going for him. Colorado, Arizona and Nevada had huge support for him from what I could tell talking to people.