Most people simply will not know what to do with themselves every day if they had real freedom. They can't function on a daily basis without someone else telling them when to get up, when to go to work, when to go to lunch, what to eat, when to bathe, when to go to bed. They actually NEED some type of overlord to tell them what to do and when to do it. Gubmint, boss, parent, spouse. They don't have the critical thinking skills necessary to actually run their own lives.
Most people simply will not know what to do with themselves every day if they had real freedom. They can't function on a daily basis without someone else telling them when to get up, when to go to work, when to go to lunch, what to eat, when to bathe, when to go to bed. They actually NEED some type of overlord to tell them what to do and when to do it. Gubmint, boss, parent, spouse. They don't have the critical thinking skills necessary to actually run their own lives.