15 seconds to fire 10 shots shows he took time to aim each shot. In the movies you see people do a mag dump without aiming between shots. Only takes a second to reacquire the target through the sites each shot and makes all the difference of whether you hit the target or not. At close range of 10 feet point and shoot is effective but at a greater distance it is important to acquire the target with the sites.
Makes sense. The range I was on doesn't allow rapid firing but being a complete newbie it always took me several seconds to re-acquire the target between shots.
To speed that up try using the sights to aim center mass rather than a bullseye. Forget the ten ring and just aim for the center of the full target. It will reduce your time drastically.
15 seconds to fire 10 shots shows he took time to aim each shot. In the movies you see people do a mag dump without aiming between shots. Only takes a second to reacquire the target through the sites each shot and makes all the difference of whether you hit the target or not. At close range of 10 feet point and shoot is effective but at a greater distance it is important to acquire the target with the sites.
Makes sense. The range I was on doesn't allow rapid firing but being a complete newbie it always took me several seconds to re-acquire the target between shots.
To speed that up try using the sights to aim center mass rather than a bullseye. Forget the ten ring and just aim for the center of the full target. It will reduce your time drastically.