"We believe in 2 genders, there are men and women"
@16:16 in ...
"Now we are a BEGGAR Nation, a beggar nation" "With Biden down on his knees, pleading for energy from all over the globe. Going to Venezuela, Saudi Arabia. Going to countries all over the globe, asking for help. We have more liquid Gold under our feet than all of these other countries.
@35:35 in ...
He talks about after they landed in Iraq and speaking to the military commanders (Raising Cane) about ending isis, the commander said they could wipe out isis in 3 weeks and still have time left over.
@56:43 in about the climate change and wanting half the cattle out.
@57:41 in ... he talks about smashing the radical lefts corrupt education establishment.
"The current educational system is so sick that school prayer is banned and drag shows are allowed."
@58:10 in ...
"You can't teach the bible but can teach children that America is evil and that men can get pregnant.
@15:00 into video ... https://www.c-span.org/video/?521958-1/president-trump-speaks-turning-points-usa-conference
@16:16 in ...
@35:35 in ...
He talks about after they landed in Iraq and speaking to the military commanders (Raising Cane) about ending isis, the commander said they could wipe out isis in 3 weeks and still have time left over.
@56:43 in about the climate change and wanting half the cattle out.
@57:41 in ... he talks about smashing the radical lefts corrupt education establishment.
@58:10 in ...
@59:21 in ...
Excellent! Thx!