President Trump: "If I renounce my beliefs. If I agree to stay silent. If I stayed home. If I announced I was not going to run for office.
... But that’s what they want me to do. And, you know what? There’s just no chance I do that.”
@TheWashingtonPundit | Speak Truth To Power
When trump mentions 2024…it’s almost like mentioning the vaccine. I don’t want to hear it. Hopefully it’s just optics. Personally I would find it impossible to let the election get stolen like that and then not get it rectified. It just would never be part of my plan. I can see setting up my enemies and letting them “win” so I can catch them cheating. But afterwards I would have to let everyone know about the cheating and the consequences. None of this we’ll get ‘em next time. No no no!! Criminals must be held accountable!!!
Yeah, he WON 2020 already. Now he has to do it all again, why? When you steal the diamonds, you get to keep the diamonds?
I wish they would do something to make people believe they've fixed the election system. Exhorting people to vote made sense when they believed the system was fair. Now...??? We still have to vote, in a desperate attempt to overwhelm the oceanic amount of fraud we categorically know is GOING to occur. It might not work, mind you, since it didn't last time; but we still have to vote as if our lives depended on it. This is among the worst psychological torture there is on a national scale.
In 2020 an overwhelming landslide victory turned into an embarrassing defeat at the hands of cheating democrats. If the same ballots, voting machines, cardboard in the windows, covid, mules, dropboxes, etc., etc., etc., if the same shit is used, why do we think we will not get the same shit result as last time?