So exactly what happens if there's irrefutable evidence that a foreign power rigged our election? Well I think the military will be the only way.

Since fraud vitiates everything, Trump is officially reinstated but did he ever concede? He didn't. He sure looks to me like he's still the commander of the Military. Why? Joe certainly isn't!
Excellent post. I concur that a select group in the Military are playing a huge roll in this mission (the military is the only way) but with President Trump as commander along with Military Intelligence and some civilian personnel. Otherwise it doesn't work.
If that's the case then Trump is responsible for all the vaccine injuries and several of my friends losing their jobs in the military.
Why is President Trump responsible? Was anyone ever forced to get the jab? Were they physically forced to get the poison? No they weren't. However many of those in the Military received harmless injections in spite of themselves for even taking the shots.
How do you know that is true?
Forced shots or salene shots? What are you referring to?
Doesn't make my comment any less true. I was just responding to the previous post. If Trump is in charge, then he's responsible for what happens. Pretty easy concept to comprehend.