416 Twitter bots "speaking for the whole of America for hard, 6-month lockdown." Who even talks like this? Let's get some better statements going, bots. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by Factfiler 2 years ago by Factfiler +416 / -0 64 comments download share 64 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I've been seeing these new Covid and monkey pox news pieces come and go in Europe as well. Front page story, nothing the next day. Gone like a fart in the wind. Looks like media control is finally cracking.
Eric Swalwell has entered the chat: "Did someone say something about a fart in the wind?"
Me love you long time Swalwell.?
LOL. Maybe not so long...
And the fact that kids are getting Monkey Pox is telling