Q is a Psyop - Clandestine - Is the reason for Q not posting because the operation was under Trumps orders as CNC?
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Perhaps ponder whether the verb chosen, "manipulating", which is a Pavlovian pejorative word trigger, can be refined so its more accurate and insightful.
Assuming that personal ie subjective filters are accurate " Is. Not. Ok" if left unaddressed.
Technically, aren't ALL human interactions a psyop?
Referencing the "Q/Trump psyop"::
Is trying to inspire people to wake up and seek the truth manipulative and malevolent?
Is encouraging people to reclaim their sovereignty and to learn how to research and think for themselves manipulative and malevolent?
Is helping people to spot psychological manipulation and deception manipulative and malevolent?
Is training people to research, vet research, think logically and apply critical analysis manipulative and malevolent?
My answers are no, to the above questions. Personally, I thank God everyday for both Q and Q+ and I'm grateful for their glorious "psyop". 😘