Q post 15: There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country.
How do you folks see it playing out between now and the midterms?
It is obvious the anti NWO momentum is moving upon us at warp speed, each day a new country says, "Fuck it, let's do it". I think there are currently 7 or more countries organizing massive protests. More countries joining BRICS, China in economic meltdown, I think our day of economic calamity is approaching quickly and it will be the final marker.
If I had to guess, our economic meltdown will be the marker that triggers the military, and it happens before the midterms. This marker will unleash the waterfall. Declass, decertifications and numerous investigations that take down the deep state worldwide. I bet our economic implosion will push Putin to finish his Ukraine project and perhaps spur the takedown of the cabal in Tiawan.
Greg Phillips is telling us he has data that shows foreign involvement in our election process. The military cannot stand complacent with such evidence being exposed. We were attacked by a foreign nation, that is a act of war. Throw in economic failure, military has to act.
We have tried to get the states to decertify, the evidence has been shown, yet they stand by waiting for something.
We hear the SC is looking at election fraud data with the possibility of a future ruling.
Wisconsin has the fraud with the old folks' homes
Pennsylvania received more mail in ballots than they sent out.
Fraud has been shown in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan (Antrim) with audits.
I would be willing to bet, all the state decertifications happen after the military steps in and announces the arrest of John Podesta and a few others. Suicide weekend, messages via EBS start rolling out.
You have to imagine Antifa and BLM will try to protest if the states throw out enough electors that Uncle Joe is no longer our president. Would it not make sense to wait for the SC ruling and decertification event after our economy implodes and the military are in place?
If we find out we had foreign influence in the last election, does it not make sense that the military should control the upcoming election to stop foreign influence? The military can control every state election with universal regulations that are identical for every state? No cheating, no ballot boxes, show your ID, hand counts.
All of DJT's endorsements are winning their primaries. We know the people are going to provide the red wave. We know all the Biden twitter/voter bots are fake. I think Biden's popularity is in single digits, the polls lie.
Remember Trump stating, "Do you know what this is? "This is the calm before the storm!", surrounded by military elite. Remember the military standing behind Trump at his Inauguration for a few seconds as Trump said, "We are returning government back to the people"? Then he created Space Force. How much military presence does one need to realize what is coming and NCSWIC!!
Keep your head up and your powder dry!
This shit is about to get crazy!
Stay safe my frens!!!
Cabal does love October market crashes don’t they? Yellen just said she doesn’t see a recession incoming, so you know what that means.