posted ago by cathole953 ago by cathole953 +23 / -2

Hear me out here. This is something I've been thinking over for a while now. But I think that suicide weekend is gonna be a mass suicide from all of the cabal minions once they realize they're gonna have to actually face consequences for their actions over the past several decades (Progressives, socialists, woke morons). And in other cases, they're gonna realize their entire life is basically a lie, since they've been manipulated by third parties into becoming what they are (Queers, pedos, trannies).

This is an unprecedented event, the closest thing I can think of, is the fall of Nazi Germany and Imperialist Japan. What happened back then? Well, the people who actually believed in their "causes" committed suicide in massive numbers becuase they knew that it would be MUCH WORSE if they had to actually face the consequences of their actions.

On the other side of things, you have the queers, pedos, trannies, etc. I really have no comparison for this, but just imagine for a moment. Your entire life, you've been lied to, manipulated, coerced, and more or less brainwashed. But unlike us and the majority of normal people, you actually went 110% into the brainwashing. So now here you are, post cabal, having spent years as a queer or pedophile, or worse yet a tranny. Your life, has been destroyed. You always knew you weren't normal deep down, but now it's on full blast, 24/7, that's all that's being talked about. You are essentially a failed cabal experiment, that was utilized for political gain since that was where your only worth was deemed.

Now you live in a world where everyone more or less hates you and your kind for one reason or another, your very existence is seen as both an abomination and a constant reminder of the "dark ages" when the cabal almost won. And it's not like you can just pretend things never happened if you were openly gay, or openly trans, or a pedophile in general.

These people already have absurdly high suicide rates, so what will happen when everything is revealed and they're shamed out of society (as it should be)?

Keep in mind I'm not wishing death on most of these people (The pedos are a notable exception, death is the only option for them), but this is how I see things playing out. More and more keeps comes out about how most gays and trans are the result of sexual abuse, grooming, manipulation by psychologists, etc. And lesbians are similar, but have the added origin of just being the result of intense misandry, which again, is the result of social conditioning and manipulation in the realm of psychology.

To me, this all but confirms that most of these people have some sort of mental illness, whether they were born with it or it's a result of a lifetime of grooming, and mental abuse/manipulation is up for debate, but regardless, the more comes out, the more obvious it is, that this crap isn't natural, and is destructive by nature.

And when EVERYTHING is revealed, and they're thrown of out society, they'll more likely than not be right there with the socialists and woke tards, committing mass suicide because they can't handle reality in a post cabal world.

I realize this is a bit of a rant, but I'm not entirely sure how to word a lot of this. Regardless, this is just my personal theory about suicide weekend and what the future holds, I could be wrong, but this is the conclusion I've come to. Feel free to discuss it.