Below are good summaries of what the world is seeing and doing as the Dollar collapses as the world’s business currency. The BRIC countries are moving quickly to create their own currencies and using Gold, Silver, Bitcoin, and Oil/Gas to bolster their strength. The US dollar is certainly being dropped quickly. If you still haven’t moved your money into Gold, Silver, oil, gas, and maybe….. Bitcoin (I myself still twitch slightly at this idea), you may want to do so this week. Gold, silver, gas and oil are still going to be the best bets I think.
Anyway the US economy is about to finally stop the 2 year down hill roll, and go 90 degrees off a cliff soon. All the economic alarm bells are sounding so we shall see. Either way buckle up frens. Aug. and Sept. are going to be very hot. May God protect us all and give us strength to weather the Storm.
The Ruble stands alone. Each country has their own gold/silver. Putin talks about each country being its own sovereign nation. The opposite is the EU. Look at what the EU have done to those countries within it that didn’t toe the line. It smashed them and put them into spiralling debt. The BRICS nations - and growing daily, is the opposite to the NWO. They will trade with each other and in the last couple of weeks, Putin is giving those awake a snippet of what he intends to do. Europe is gone. They will not survive winter and there will be governments collapsing everywhere. The woke policies of the West have been their downfall. This is just one speech Putin gave on 20th July.
Friends, I would like to begin by saying that I am very happy to be with you today. Through you, I would like to greet and thank all those who have submitted their proposals to the forum Strong Ideas for a New Time, to thank the team of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives for organising the forum, and to express appreciation for the work of our regions, which have contributed to the implementation of the ideas presented at the first ASI forum, held in late 2020.
It is obvious that there is growing demand for the mechanism proposed by ASI for identifying, selecting and supporting civil projects and initiatives. As we were walking here with Svetlana Chupsheva, she said that, regrettably, an all-embracing and effective mechanism for selecting projects had not yet been created at the state level. But it is good that ASI is doing something like this. We will make increasingly broad use of this practice.
This mechanism is fully consonant with the tasks of our internal development and the time when truly revolutionary transformations are gaining momentum and getting stronger. These enormous changes are irreversible, of course. National and global processes are underway to develop the fundamentals and principles of a harmonious, fairer and more community-focused and safe world order as an alternative to the existing world order, or the unipolar world order in which we lived, and which, because of its nature, is definitely becoming a brake on the development of our civilisation.
The model of total domination by the so-called golden billion is unfair. Why should this golden billion, which is only part of the global population, dominate everyone else and enforce its rules of conduct that are based on the illusion of exceptionalism? It divides the world into first and second-class people and is therefore essentially racist and neo-colonial. The underlying globalist and pseudo-liberal ideology is becoming increasingly more like totalitarianism and is restraining creative endeavour and free historical creation.
One gets the impression that the West is simply unable to offer the world a model for the future of its own. Indeed, it was no accident that the golden billion attained its gold and achieved quite a lot, but it got there not because it implemented certain concepts. It mainly got to where it is by robbing other peoples in Asia and Africa. That is how it was. India was robbed for an extensive period of time. This is why the elite of the golden billion are terrified of other global development centres potentially coming up with their own development alternatives. No matter how much the West and the supranational elite strive to preserve the existing order, a new era and a new stage in world history are coming. Only genuinely sovereign states are in a position to ensure a high growth dynamic and become a role model for others in terms of standards of living and quality of life, the protection of traditional values and high humanistic ideals, and development models where an individual is not a means, but the ultimate goal.
Sovereignty is about freedom of national development, and thus, the development of every individual. It is about the technological, cultural, intellectual and educational solvency of a state – that is what it is. No doubt, responsible, active and nationally minded and nationally oriented civil society is the most important component of sovereignty. I am convinced that in order to be strong, independent and competitive, we need to improve the mechanisms for people to participate in the country’s life and to make them more open and fairer. That includes mechanisms for direct democracy and people's involvement in addressing the critical problems facing society and the public. The way forward is to rely on our people’s creative potential, to team up with you and people like you who are not with us today.